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Posts posted by Kanenas

  1. Good news. The Wife's Visa got Accepted and we now have to wait for the US Embassy appointment. The issue is that it might take up to 2 months

    to make an appointment since the November deadline has passed. We have been separated for the last 3 months she is currently overseas, I live in the US.

    I have the following questions:

    1.) Can we make the Interview Appointment in the US? NVC mentioned that I will have to file for a change of status. Has anyone done this before?

    2.) The Wife has a Tourist Visa. Can she visit me before we file a Change of Status or she could be denied entry?



  2. I just found out that my wife's birth date on the Marriage Certificate had the month and the day in reverse. She probably made the mistake during the application since in Europe they have the month and the day in reverse. I double checked all other Application forms and everything seems to be correct.

    I am already planning to go back to the town hall this Friday and correct the error(all is required is a copy of the birth Cert).

    Could this cause an issue in the CR-1 Visa application? The is no doubt that the wedding happened just a small mistake in the Marriage Cert.



  3. My non US citizen fiance and I got married 2 weeks ago and yesterday she left for overseas. Unfortunately I could not add her to my bank account since she currently has no SS#. My house which I bought 2 years ago has only my name on the title.

    Since I will be starting the CR-1 Visa Application in the following week what actions can I do to show that the marriage

    is Legit? If I add her to my company benefits will this be enough as evidence? Anything else I can do from my part without

    her been physically in the US?



  4. Last week I got married to my Fiance (now wife) while she was visiting me in the U.S for the Easter holidays. She already has a Tourist Visa which will expire in about 2 years.

    She currently lives overseas and she has her own business however she is planning to move with me once her CR-1 Visa is approved. I am planning to start the Visa process next week

    On the plus side she needs a few months to decide what she is going to do with her business overseas so staying overseas for 5-6 months is not going to be a problem.

    My concern is if for any reason the CR-1 gets delayed will she be able to visit me with her "active" tourist Visa or it could be canceled for starting the CR-1

    process? I believe she can stay up to 6 months on a tourist visa before she has any issues.



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