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  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Hello everyone!

    We're Jack and Ana, like so many others here, met through social media and have been together for a year and a half.

    He proposed in December (yay!!! <3) and now after gathering all our documents we're getting ready to file our K-1 application.

    Wish us luck!

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  1. Please, please, please, God make this moth go by really quickly so we can start harass people at the CSC about our case.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. qwerty1974


      We got ours october 7th (filed 1st June) but we weren[t expecting to hear a thing until 6th November. We feel lucky, but I know what its like waiting. I have my fingers crossed for you :)

    3. qwerty1974


      ....tho we were with VSV...if that makes any difference.

    4. qwerty1974
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