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Posts posted by shirley2011

  1. I'm currently preparing for Packet 3 and have a question regarding DS-160. There is a question asking about Intended Length of Stay in U.S. and we have to choose one from 4 options(days, weeks, months and years) and "Permanently" is NOT an option here. I answered "Permanently" for the same question on DS-156.

    What shall I answer on DS-160? 100 years? 3 months?


  2. I'm currently preparing for Packet 3 and have a question regarding DS-160. There is a question asking about Intended Length of Stay in U.S. and we have to choose one from 4 options(days, weeks, months and years) and "Permanently" is NOT an option here. I answered "Permanently" for the same question on DS-156.

    What shall I answer on DS-160? 100 years? 3 months?


  3. We called DOS. they said Montreal sent out Packet 3 already and today they also sent another letter to me asking for extra documents. I guess they may ask me to proof my status in Canada - I'm PR not Canadian Citizen.

  4. Hi,

    I am waiting for my packet 3 Instructions from Montreal.

    Since sometimes I am not at home, I wonder in what way they will mail

    the instructions.

    Does someone need to be at home to sign for it or just left in the mailbox?


  5. Hi,

    I am waiting for my packet 3 Instructions from Montreal.

    Since sometimes I am not at home, I wonder in what way they will mail

    the instructions.

    Does someone need to be at home to sign for it or just left in the mailbox?


  6. Congrats! You mentioned you are in Afghanistan - I am curious if it has anything to do with your dramatic K1 experience?

    Good job!

    First off........ I GOT NOA2!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :dance::dance::thumbs::dance::rofl:

    Now, for the important part...

    I contacted my Senator’s office a few days ago and explained how long I have been waiting for my NOA2. They sent me a form to fill out that basically said I was going to be working with them and that I agree to disclose information about my case to the Senators office. The Senators office told me at the six month mark they are authorized to call the USCIS and expedite my request. I gave them all of my information and waited for the six month mark. I wake up on 29 APR 11 (6 month mark) and get the email from the Senators office stating that they called the Vermont Center and my case has been expedited. I had, to say the least, little faith that my case would really be expedited.

    Flash forward a few hours after receiving the email from the Senators Office.. I get a email from the USCIS stating that my service request (made previously) had been processed and that my case was with a case office pending review.(I submitted a service request about 2 weeks ago, hoping to get any information I could). I was devastated; my service request was just the standard "We're working on it" response. I did find it strange that I received my service request only a few hours the Senators office expedited my request. I woke up this morning (I am in Afghanistan) and discovered that my NOA2 had been emailed to me at 8:30pm Vermont time. Either the computer sent the response after closing hours, the service center is open until 8:30pm, or someone had to work late because the Senator called and forced them. I really hope someone was forced to work late. It’s funny how a call from a Senator can get a sevice request and a NOA2 knocked out on the same day. SHAME ON YOU VERMONT SERVICE CENTER.

    Moral of this post - Call you senators office and ask them for any help. I was very humble in my request to them and now am forever grateful.

    Good luck all those out there waiting for NOA2 - Get your Senators involved at around the 5 month mark.

  7. Hi,

    I am in Great Toronto Area. I am still early in my K1 process but I want to get a heads up about the police certificate that will be required in the interview time.

    I have seen the Canada section on this link saying there are two kind of certificates - one with fingerprints and one without:


    It also says the one WITHOUT fingerprints is the one to get.

    However, the following link only talks about the fingerprinted one:


    What are you guys experience on this? How long did it take you? Did you submit the fingerprints?



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