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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • City
    United Kingdom/connecticut

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    I met him through my Aunt. We started to communicate through Facebook, until everyday we are always talking through inbox until phone. He decided to come and see me in London and then realized that were meant each other. He went to see my family in the Philippines and do the traditional way when asking a permission to marry me. He did the Betroth(pamamanhikan) and he always come to see me here in England. We've been together for almost 1 year and four months. and I am hoping that soon we will be husband and wife. Im happy to sacrifice my life and career here in England and to live with him in America.. May God continue to bless our relationship and for our future plans. Godspeed!

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  1. I would say anytime now. I have checked it ia the same info as you so I called them and they said the embassy have deliveries everyday at 6pm. I have paid to have it between 6am and 10am they said they would try and get it to me as quickly as poss... fingers crossed soon for us both

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