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Posts posted by rjclarke

  1. Hi guys, So I wanted to ask some questions about the Medical Exam that takes place as part of the visa process.

    1) On what grounds can you fail the medical exam? I know they look for signs of disease such as HIV or STDs, But what about normal things, Such as the eye test provided, If you cant read it will they fail you? and make you return after getting glasses? If you were diabetic? If you had unhealthy teeth or a Kidney infection, idk, Normal things that might come up, are they grounds for denial also? If so what can you do?

    2) What exactly happens in your physical exam? Ive read different things, some people have had extensive exams, for a man, checking for lumps int he tecticle, checking the foreskin and ####### (prostate?) and other times Ive read they simple check you look healthy and done. I find that a worrying part of the medical exam.

    3) And finally, vaccinations, How does the doctor work out whats best for you to recieve? If youve had all your necessary vaccinations and dont have a record, can the doctor not just cash in and say you need a booster for this this and this? and even do so if you do have the record? Ive heard that your blood is checked to see what vaccinations youve had, is this true? and then the doctor wont suggest boosters?

  2. Thanks for all the help guys, it means alot.

    My next thing is my birth certificate, I see there is a big issue about short birth certificates. It may be a stupid question, but if I was given a short one at birth, are the local authorities even going to have a long one for me? If so I just get a certified copy and prob solved, but is it possible they have a short one like mine? ie, they dont have all the information to give me a long one. what would i do then?

  3. I was looking at the process taking place here in england, as stated she will need to be here six months for papers to be filed here, so Im thinking its probably best for her to return home and file them there, i could return back with her for a little while as a honeymoon. Im just thinking if we file here we need to wait six months before we can, wheras if we file in the states it could all be going through for those six months, therefore id be having my interview hopefully as opposed to just starting the process....Am I right in thinking that? I suppose im wondering the big question everyone asks, how long will it take? is the california center a good or bad one? Im imagining in my head a process from filing to cr-1 of 8 or 9 months, is that realistic?

    I also have a question about the 130 process as listed http://www.visajourney.com/content/i130guide1

    It appears that nearly all of the interview documents, are the same ones sent to NVC, is this right? I dont understand why if my spouse has sent nvc in the states her tax returns and immigrants birth certificate etc, these need to be given again? I read that the documents CAN be returned or forwarded to the embassy, so, is this right? I have to send my documents to my spouse, who submits them to nvc, who then send them back to england for my interview? Im confused

  4. I was looking at the process taking place here in england, as stated she will need to be here six months for papers to be filed here, so Im thinking its probably best for her to return home and file them there, i could return back with her for a little while as a honeymoon. Im just thinking if we file here we need to wait six months before we can, wheras if we file in the states it could all be going through for those six months, therefore id be having my interview hopefully as opposed to just starting the process....Am I right in thinking that? I suppose im wondering the big question everyone asks, how long will it take? is the california center a good or bad one? Im imagining in my head a process from filing to cr-1 of 8 or 9 months, is that realistic?

  5. Im 21, My fiance is in the entertainment industry and makes enough money to meet the requirement, so thats not an issue, her parents could support if necessary. Ive just looked into marriage in the uk, and she just needs to obtain permission to enter for marriage without intention to reside, that allows her to come for six months and costs £70

  6. Well the way I looked at is was a visa is a visa as far as the process goes. If i go through the fiance visa and then go there to marry i have to chance status and rego through it all, that wasnt necessarilly an issue, i just saw that if i was going through the process anyway that i may as well be going through the permenant one than wasting my time on a fiance visa.

    My fiance will be coming hopefully in january of 2012, its some time off but i really need to get my head around all of this, we would have started the process now but my fiance isnt 18 until later in the year.

  7. Thanks for some replys already guys, I just checked in on the poverty guidlines you listed, and have a question, It lists 2 person household at 18,387 is this what my fiance needs to earn for us both, or is this what she needs to earn to support me, plus 18,387 for herself?

    When do these earnings forms need to be submitted? along with the 130? or a certain time after?

    what is the real layout of the process? as far as im aware its

    filing the 130

    its recieved by uscis

    its accepted by uscis

    its forwarded to nvc

    then forwarded to london embassy

    london embassy ask me for documents

    then interview

    then accepted

    what steps am i missing?

  8. Hey guys, So Im new to the forum, and new to allllll this, It takes some getting your head around for sure.

    My fiance is American, and I am English, my main question is, what way do you suggest is best going with this? My fiance is hopefully going to be visiting in the new year once her work commitments are done, and we plan on probably marrying here in the UK. Which is where all my questions are, Namely, Is this the best thing to do? Ive read about a hundred different visas and processes, as we have decided that we can have a better life together in California.

    Is it best to get married here in England?

    Best to be married and apply for the CR-1 visa, or to go to the US on a K visa and marry there?

    The way I see it is that I have to go through the visa process nomatter what, but if I have a K visa we need to go through the process twice, to change to permenant resedency, and this will all take ages! Or will it? Is there much difference between these processing times for non immigraant and immigrant visas? Is it not therefore best to go straight through the permenant visa process?

    I am aware the process can be taken in the uk if my fiance is here, would that help us as far as time is concerned? or are the papers still sent to go through the lengthy months long process in america?

    As far as the process in england goes, I know the 130 forms CAN be submitted in england as I said, does my fiance have to live here to do that? could she not submit these forms in the uk and if necessary return home while the process happens, or must she be living here?

    And lastly I have read about my spouse having to proove she earns enough money to support me, although il be getting a job once we move. What forms are these, and is that necessary as I do not see that step in any of the CR-1/IR-1 tutorals i have read.

    Thanks for helping us, we are a young couple and its all a little overwhelming. Is paying a lawyer worth it, or can we really manage this?

    Thanks guys

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