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Leolisa y Pablo

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About Leolisa y Pablo

  • Birthday 05/10/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    New York, Brooklyn

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
    Dominican Republic

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  1. i have a question we were going to bring his daughter as well with him but since he is dead what do i have to do in order for her to come?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Leolisa y Pablo

      Leolisa y Pablo

      mrsamancio im still in DR the mom is in the picture but she doesnt really take care of her thats why we had put her in the papers but didnt now what step to take after this should i go with the mom to the cita or should i just cancel and then start a whole new process

    3. MrsAmancio


      sounds like you need to start an adoption process depending on how it works there. let the mom sign away her rights to you...you should contact the Embassy and ask them how you should proceed.i hope it all works out for you

    4. Lari & Jhona

      Lari & Jhona

      idk much about this process but i hope u r holding up ..

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