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  • Gender
  • City
    Washington DC

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Truly fate. We met twice in Negril where neither one of us even lived around Christmas time 2009. I was on vacation, he was on travel for work. First we met at an atm machine, and later ran into each other at an internet cafe about 2 hours later. We stayed in touch via skype and phone and grew closer. Some time in March he proposed and I accepted (lol-- I cannot remember the date for the life of me!). After 5 longgg months I went to see him again in May and met his family. We had a great time. I went back again in September for his birthday. Of course having to leave him over and over again started to feel unbearable. I filed for his fiance visa soon after I returned to the states after that visit. I went back again to Jamaica in December, my family in tow so they could meet him and his family and they hit it off very well. Fastforward past all the waiting and filing craziness and he's been here since July 31. We were married August 26th of this year. In addition to this being our "honeymoon phase" it is also our "adjusting phase". Even though I have Jamaican parentage, the cultural adjustment is still a huge factor. But with prayer, patience and a willingness to understand we make it through :)
    I'm also happy to announce we're expecting our first child. Yayyyy!

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  1. Thanks :) Hope you guys don't have to wait as long!

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