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Status Replies posted by LoveNigarmostyle

  1. I am elated that Barcelona won today =) love soccer!


  3. July 7 @08:30 it is! Finally!

  4. one month away...

  5. I am patiently waiting and praying...... Eight days to go!!! God be with us....

  6. Someone bring me a drink- I can't take it anymoe :'(

  7. happy birthday to me!

  8. I am HAPPY.... my DS230 was reviewed and everything is good. Now they just have to check the RFE and my case will be complete..... YEY...... hopefully sometime next week!!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!

  9. Wondering how long will this really take :(

  10. i just want to know when he is going to be here - i am tired of the waiting and tired of the separation

  11. 2 months mark....hopefully I am more than halfway :)

  12. We have decided to marry this summer first.

  13. cried my eyes out already but God is in control. we were put in AR to verify previous divorce. just wanna update all the wellwishers.

  14. I hope I am a rare case. I found mine was nothing more than a scammer using women everywhere in order to survive. I was just the one he used to get to the states. He has lived with more than 5 women since our divorce last year.

  15. Interview was a success but now we have special processing which could take 1 week to 3 months - this will cost us about an extra $1500 because he can't stay in Madagascar

  16. "O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress." - Jeremiah 16:19

  17. Flight's on Monday. Having a hard time saying goodbye to family. :(

  18. Wow 6 months ago today I was preparing to go and pick up the love of my life........time flies

  19. My husband's adjustment of status of interview was APPROVED today!

  20. When is my interview for?

  21. I am trying to be proactive. While I am waiting for the NVC to get back to me, I will keep my mind occupied. So I have decided to start working on the documents I need to send to my fiance in preparation for the interview. I would appreciate if I can get a list of documents to start putting together. Also, has anyone sent packages by DHL or Express mail to Nigeria before? How effective was this and what was the cost. Ideas anyone?

  22. Waiting to hear from the NVC. We received our NOA2 in the mail on May 21. It was approved on the 17th. How long do i have to wait?

  23. Almost 2 mths my hubby being here in the US...it's been really nice. We are definetly favored by God. He was able to get SS# /card within 2wks, job in 3-1/2 wks (2 jobs offered), drivers license 1 mth, & given a family members unused vehicle. Thank God! When God's 4 u...who can be against you. All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord!

  24. Asad will be here Sunday.... Cannot wait!! Wedding scheduled for June 24th!!

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