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Status Replies posted by LoveNigarmostyle

  1. Final word came today: K1 petition has been denied. SAD, DISAPPOINTED, & ANGRY!! If anyone has any ideas what to do next, we'd love to hear from you.


  3. Patience Patience... I am losing my Patience............. I been patient long enough.... I want that INTERVIEW date................................. :(

  4. File sent to home land security for further processing I just want to Cry

  5. IT is a new day, and God is in Charge! I am grateful for all the blessings in my life!

  6. Ok!! visa where are you!!!...... Everything on this journey we have to exercise LOTS of patience

  7. still no interview date... this so depressing..... :( HURRY UP SARAJEVO EMBASSY..... I want my husband here ..... grrrrrrr

  8. IT is a new day, and God is in Charge! I am grateful for all the blessings in my life!

  9. Next: AOS.... Ugh...

  10. thank u God VISA APPROVED

  11. i ask one question and get a hole mess of negatives i love my man with my hole heart

  12. Happy 21st Bday to me!!! The only gift I would love to have right now would be my husband next to me that's all am asking for!

  13. still no interview date... this so depressing..... :( HURRY UP SARAJEVO EMBASSY..... I want my husband here ..... grrrrrrr

  14. is it really 2 days bfore interview???? Im sooo excited!!!!

  15. Hair check, Nails check, luggage packed check!!! off to Dom. Rep. in a few hours to be with my dear cibaeno :)

  16. The days are passing by so slowly. Anxious and counting the days....

  17. Preparing for the interview...

  18. Received a phone call yesterday letting us know 2nd interview schedule for 6/14/11

  19. Don't be nervous trust in God and listen to the man above and he will direct your path... God bless you

  20. We got APPROVED...... God is good to us!!!!!!!

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      I am so happy for you suzy-q! wishing you a long happy and healthy life! Your positive thinking and your strong faith is inspiring. Congrats again dear :) I hope he knows that he is a lucky man to have you!

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  21. The days are passing by so slowly. Anxious and counting the days....

  22. We got APPROVED...... God is good to us!!!!!!!

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Thanks for your support. Congratulations on your recent approval. I am so happy for you! you made me smile :) and I needed one today.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  23. LOVE seeing our names on the list for upcoming Nicaragua interviews! It's so hard to believe we are almost done with this mess!! (Pkt. 4 arrived today.)

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