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Status Replies posted by LoveNigarmostyle

  1. sometimes things just don't work out in the timing we expect. The perfect timing of God is always...........Perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect!!! No worries here.

  2. Okay Interview date given. We are set to rock and roll. Plz VJ family keep us in your prayers.

  3. Tomorrow is 5 months of waiting. Now that I have moved, I have no idea where our case file even is anymore. Feel myself losing hope. I just want to have my husband home with me.

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Call USCIS and ask about your case. Place a service request and they will follow up with you. I feel your frustration but this VJ requires a lot of patience and one needs to stay focused. Good luck!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Lord help me just hearing his voice ever so briefly makes me forget my own name. Lord help me I love me some him. ;)

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      LOL you are a trip DWHEELS76. God have mercy on your man when you finally see him...:))

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. N01 Received 4-14-2012. Priority date of April 6th, 2012. What does that mean exactly?

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Be patient AlexBa that is all I can say and pray for you to have patience. I know exactly what you are going through. We, you and I have been on this VJ a long time now. But we are still here! With God's grace. USCIS is taking longer than usual to process the applications. Call them and stay on top of it weekly and don't forget to ask questions. DID you put in a service request?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. VJ is the beginning of a longer journey in a marriage...It is the ending result that matters the most!

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      AlexBa I feel you dear friend for "we" you and I have been in this the same amount of time. Be patient for it took USCIS 8months to approve ours and now we moved to NVC. With God's grace and patience we can get through this in one piece. You are always in my prayers.

      Dana and Divine It can be trying but one learns to be patient and humble in this journey. It reminds us all that we are not in charge...God is and it happens in his time and not ours. IT is a marathon not a...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Bio appt for ROC was today in and out in 15 min....

  8. Today my husband and I celebrate 2 yrs of marriage!

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Happy Anniversary dear. Wishing you both all the best. Happy New Year as well.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Repeat after me!...Lord everything that I did not get last year, Let it be in your will this year cos I claim it..Amen! Now just believe.

  10. October 7, 2011 was Prince's interview date...it was a year ago today that our intire lives changes as man and wife once we were approved. I thank God for that moment in time because it started us on our true journey into being together.

  11. Wow! Things are moving so fast for us. My husband has only been here for 17 days and today he received his 10 year GC! Yay! Thank you lord for all the blessings you have given me this year. It is worth all the hurt we went through last year. I can honestly say 2012 is one of the best years i have ever had.... Keep the blessings flowing Heavenly Father.

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Congrats! so happy for you. I have been under the weather lately. Just logged on to say congrats for finally having your hubby home. I am elated for you both.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hello to all. I am very happy theses days I keep thinking about. all the stress and tears I went through to get to where I am today is truly god's way of saying " See my child I never left your side. I was here when you thought I wasn't and you still kept the faith so now that you have passed my test I give you a great blessing."... So now it is Sept 1.2012 and I have 11 more days and my husband will be here for good. The lord just keep giving me blessing after blessing. I kno...

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      A well deserved ending to a long journey. You did okay my friend and your strength got you through this hellish road we must travel to be with the ones we love. God grace you with his blessings always.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. WOW. Had set up a reminder message on my phone way back on 3/15 day of my I-130. and it said "Today is 5 months since I filed I-130. I hope I am adjudicated by now". Look at God. was approved 50 days ago. Sitting here with Case# waiting to be invoice. hey Favor ain't fair. I love you Lord.

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      God be with you and grant you patience and serenity. Praying for you.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. According to your faith be it unto you

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Amen. You too stay blessed and strong this too shall pass and become a distant memory soon.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Dear God, I need to learn to take one day at a time. Your Word reminds me, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" (Matthew 6:34). I give all my worries and concerns to You, God, the all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present, Almighty God. Please give me peace, grace, and wisdom for the today and throughout the process. Give me strength. In Jesus mighty name. amen

  16. You ever just sit back and watch life throw you a curve ball and you try to swerve and miss it yet it pops you in the head anyway....lol I promise if it's not one thing it's another but thank God for Grace and Mercy and the ability to laugh and go to into prayer for lifes concussion.OUCH!

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      God's grace gets us through a lot of obstacles and road blocks. Stay blessed.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Gabriel is now over 14 lbs and doing great! Now we're starting to prepare the docs for the I-751...boy does time fly!

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      :) so happy for you my friend. That cool dude of yours is growing way too fast. Hugs
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hallelujah our journey is over my husband was granted his visa . I will be posting a full review when I get home. Thank you all for your prayers.

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      PRAISE THE LORD. Olami you have survived this hellish road. I am so proud of you dear friend. God is good. I am so happy for you. Email me when you are back and have time...CONGRATS!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  19. All of you know that I love you very much. I'm always around for anyone who may need a prayer, a friend, a sister even a call and a hug. However, I think I'm going to take a little break from VJ for a while. Nothing personal I just need to center myself and pick it back up shortly. If you have my phone number call me. You can email me and I'll email back when I read it. I'm just taking some time. Soon... LagosLove!

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      We all need our time away and you have been everyone's mother hen. I am so grateful for your continued love and support to many who still are traveling this hard road. You are truly full of love and kindness. God bless you always.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hello! I poped in to give so me vital info. Here in North Carolina and going forward into other states starting June 8, 2012. They are no longer accepting Nigerian marriage certificates to change the name on your Social Security Card. You must either go to the court and remarry or use your minister. I know because I went to finally change my name and was given this sad reason. They mentioned other countries that will be affected so please look into your State if you have not changed your ...

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      This is an unjust discrimination and a violation of your rights. There is no law that supports this decision. Please contact your local government officials and complain for this is prejudice and illegal. Why would a marriage in China verses Nigeria be accepted? We need answers!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  21. Hallelujah thank you Jesus. Case Recieved 7/31/2012. They just had to get it in for July. Phew I told that man I wanted to kiss him he made my day. Told me give them a few days (he didn;'t say 20 days) to get case number in system. Ya'll this girl is one happy 9ja wife for reals. My husband said today, "Baby lets pray about it". Thank you Jesus.

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Congrats! Praying for a smooth sailing for you.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  22. I have arrived in Nigeria now so everybody start your prayers the interview is Mondy morning. I will post right after its over

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Keeping you in our prayers. Good luck tomorrow.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. Been Very Busy... Hubby finally got a JOB.... Things are looking good :).... Hope all my friends on here are good :)

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Thanks for the message, all is well on my end, we are just waiting. I am so happy things are working out for you and your hubby. Keep in touch and informed. Thanks again.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. 11 months of AP today.. never thought I would see AP for this long... wondering if AP can be a word that nobody can ever say again after all this is over....

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      So sorry for your agonizing limbo and AP. I have a friend who has been on AP for over a year and they are still waiting. PRAYING a lot. I hope yours will be over soon. Keeping you in my prayers. Good luck!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  25. After a long wait after being reaffirmed, my petition has finally made it to the NVC and they are sending to the embassey today. God is sooo good to me. I am one step closer to having him home. Pls continue to pray for me.

    1. LoveNigarmostyle


      Wonderful news! so happy to hear that your day is finally coming. Will be praying for you, go get them and bring your husband home :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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