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About Ironman140

  • Birthday March 4

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Triathlons the longer the better, swim,run, bike and Motorcycles , add a proper pint of Guinness and I'm a happy man

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Local Office
    Chicago IL
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Traveled to the south of France in July 2010 to attend my Nephews wedding. little did I know. I would soon be engaged myself. I seen her the day of the wedding, but dared not approach. she was with the brides side of the family. I was sure, she was already attached and I was with the grooms side of the family. So I partied the night away as she sat across the room from me. But Irish weddings last more then one day and the next night we found ourselves at a night club on the Beach. where I finally had a Chance to approach the angel, I had my eyes on all Weekend. This is when I found out that she wasn't seeing anyone and had not for a long time in fact she had only been convinced to attend the wedding at the last second by the brides mother.
    We danced and drank the night away. but as the young lads have a habit of doing near the end of the night. a big fight started ;-( after making sure she was out of harms way. I went to help the youngsters, I ended up sleeping on the beach lost in the south of France without my angel and 2 drunk lads :-(. the phone number she had given me did not work in France and she had returned to Ireland the next day. ;(.
    But My return flight state side had me stopping in Ireland for 4 days, but again the number did not work ;-(.
    I was staying at my sisters when her phone rang ;-) she turned and looked at me and said somebodies been looking for you ;-) the rest as they say is history. the K1 Journey begins ;-).
    Mick @ Betty

    "“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

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  1. I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together. -- Julia Roberts

    1. extremerecluse


      I love Guiness!!!! I also love my fiance very much. Of course driving is a demanding job. I have driven for large companies and small mom and pop outfits, while working for the US Postal Service fulltime. I chenged jobs by choice. I was new and I had the luxury of changing trucking jobs like a pair of socks. I have had 7 driving jobs in 11 years. When i decide to make it my 2nd career, my Marilou and I will go to a company that will take her with no experience with company tra...

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