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princess apple

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    permit me to put in words what I feel for my husband Said Ouarara and the impact his very existence has had on my life.
    My incredible husband and best friend Said Ouarara and I met on tagged in June 2008. We started out with just casual conversations about ourselves, our families, our different cultures, our friends, and interest. WE had just clean simple and fun talks between us for many months even though we both could tell that there is a strong attraction between us. I never had any difficulty understanding him once as we communicated. Obviously that led our conversations to change around March of 2009 we both began to share our feelings about the growing attraction to one another and the desire to change our conversations to more serious matters of the heart. Conversations became about family life on a more personal level as a future couple, children, acceptance of one another’s background, about our social life with family and friends, day to day living, mutual respect of each other’s needs, and more importantly we spoke heavily about love for each other. We agree on a lot things and share mutual respect for the same Things.
    I found myself in a new world of laughter and fun with a charming, handsome, and down to earth man. I felt it finally happen for me is all I could think about. Being a single black female, who does not go out to night clubs or bars as they seem to do today, left my chances of meeting my ideal soul mate, slim to none. Where dating once failed me he has one my heart.
    I am so happy and very excited about Said and our love for one another. He brought a lot of light into my gloomy world and caused me to see that there is someone for everyone even me. We would voice chat or instant message each other for hours not realizing the morning was approaching for me and the midnight was turning to day for him. We still do that to this day. We keep in touch also through emails and just a few written letters because they take longer than an email to get across.
    It was May of 2009 said my lover and best friend asked me to marry him. I remember all in the stroke of one minute, the thoughts that ran through my mind as I stared at him through that web cam were “ I m too fat, I live way over here but I did ask God for a fine husband, and this handsome man just asked me to marry him”. So the answer with all the breath in me was yes, then I cried.
    Said my love, not only has been my trusted friend from when we met, sharing my deepest feelings and what Is hidden in my heart, but he has been my life coach and encourager when I would feel down, my prayer partner for strength when I was sick in the hospital or weak, and he is the stay of my heart for life.
    Said my love, is a very open minded, non-judgmental, a calm, and funny person. He knows how to see the good in every bad situation. I love him both spiritually and intellectually. He helps me to feel and to see only the good about me, seeing the positive through the difficult situations that life can sometimes throw you.
    I wish that he had a chance to meet my humorous father, but my father died in July 2010. My daughter and my mother love him a lot. My mother keeps a photo of him on the dash board of her car. She brags about her new Moroccan son in law to everyone. She encourages him by email about our future together and welcomes him to our very large international family. My daughter just can’t wait to have him at home with us. I am so happy to hear them talk whenever he calls or I call him. They share a love for the same movies, I-pads, and cellular phones, just that common talk about stuff, but it makes me feel good. My daughter never fails to say to me” mom you finally made it down that isle”. My only prayer for Said would be that our two cats would love him too. He has seen them by the web cam so far. God be with him because my cats have a mind of their own. Everyone here wants to know the outcome of Said and the cats.
    I found my way to morocco two times. First we met in 2009 to meet him and his adoring family. Said took well care of me and I was only granted to be there for a one week vacation. We both desired and needed more time then but we did the most with what we had.
    Then in 2011 I was there for one month with a personal leave of absence from work. I was granted the month off for our marriage and celebration and just to be together, as the distance is very hard for us.
    There is such a peace between us when we are together laughing, or watching TV as couples do, or jogging together, and just being close to each other. We have a longing for our life in our own home together as a normal couple and not being married and separated.
    I desire to share my husband’s Moroccan culture and American Bahamian culture together for many years for life. We respect and pray for the success of each other, our relationship, our families, and we encourage each other in love. My husband and I complete each other and we complement each other as one. There is a great deal of honor and respect between us. When I looked into his eyes I saw love more abundantly in many ways. We know that we are meant to be together as soul mates.
    Now, with all that is written in here from the sincerity of my heart and my inmost being about the man that is the heart of me and my husband, and the fact that finding a partner in life is hard and having him so far even harder, what God has joined together let no man separate as it is written, my wonderful husband Said Ouarara, who is the testimony of my prayers and the stay of my life.
    Though the journey has been five years long, its all been woth it. I now can see his face when i sleep at night and smile and thenk God above. We noth can enjoy the sports games together and go out together,laugh, love, and live together. yes we do have very odd times together, but still we are in love and fully committed!

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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    California Service Center
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    Kansas City MO
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  1. I was reading ur profile timeline and it was soooo beautiful i hope u and ur husband are together soon.. Best of luck

    1. princess apple

      princess apple

      thank you for complimenting our profile and timeline. we are only two and a half weeks away from his interview. we both are praying heavily for a yes for his visa. this has been a long and tedious process and we are wanting this to come to a good and happy ending this time. the first time was a k1 and it was not easy. so we had to do like most here and do a cr130. but it was worth it because i would never have had the chance to experience such a beautiful celebration here as i did there. they...

    2. shayma


      Inchalllah imm be praying for u and soon ull get the good news

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