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Posts posted by NidStyles

  1. Hi all,

    Ok, I sent the I-129F petition to the Texas lockbox. My question resolves to be, is the NOA2 next if everything goes smoothly?

    I know that's the longest wait, but how do you know where it's at, and how far along they are? Is there a way to view the progress on the

    USCIS site?

    Sorry, but this whole process has me completely baffled and confused. I can understand how the Treasury system and our Economy work's, but not the

    Immigration process.....

  2. Hi all,

    I'm stuck on the past employer portion. I just got out of the Active Duty Army, and have absolutely no clue what to enter for that field.

    I know it's the DFAS address and information, but I don't know how it should entered. Anyone have any tip's for me on this?

    I've got all of the other issues settled with my stolen passport, but now I'm stuck filling out the paperwork.

  3. ^^ That's what I'm doing right now actually. Never used the card to buy anything there, because everything is done with cash there. Using your card is how you get robbed there.

    Do you say you don't have even an itinerary from the last trip? Or can you at least get the itinerary?

    Were you awarded frequent flyer miles for the trip? They won't award those unless you physically board the plane. That record combined with the police report might help.

    Did you stay in a hotel or anything like that? If so, they would probably be willing to make out a duplicate receipt. Although, I'm guessing it would be pretty easy to fake a hotel receipt, so they may not put too much weight on that.

    Can you look to see if you perhaps have a customs form of some sort? I can't believe it, but I actually randomly found one from 2009 entering Vietnam in a folder. Then I remembered that I couldn't find it when exiting and they just let me go through.

    I called an airline once to ask for copies of boarding passes (I just wanted to help someone add frequent flyer miles and you need numbers from the pass itself.) They told me they couldn't... BUT... if you call and ask really nice and talk to a supervisor and explain your whole situation, they might be able to do something. I mean, I'm pretty sure they have to maintain records of who actually got on a plane.

    Oh, do you perhaps still have your baggage claim tags? If you're like me, you could just be lucky and it's still stuck on your suitcase.

    Did you go to the doctor/dentist/clinic while over there? Don't laugh, I get my teeth cleaned for $10 when I go... and also had a retainer put in very inexpensively.

    The one time it would have been nice to have been arrested for a minor infraction and it doesn't happen. :-)

    Just brainstorming to think of as many ways as I can to prove you were in a country.

    Does anyone know if they accept any kind of video? That would be much harder to fake, if you had some.

    I have the past two itineraries. One from mid '08, and the one from '10. I was deployed in '09 and I took my leave to the US to visit a friend that had been wounded. I stayed with her family that trip, as she was on break from school.

    The Philippines doesn't have customs paperwork when you go through. They just look at your ticket and stamp it. The '10 trip I didn't even go through custom's. I got the stamp through from her uncle. He's a Mayor of one of the metro area cities.

    Never been arrested. Have had Cop's try to shake me down before, that stopped once they found out I was Military, LOL! They tried saying I was walking illegally, and had to pay them 500 PhP or go to jail. I still laugh about that.

    I haven't paid for dental work in 12 year's. Military covered all of that.

  4. Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, I have none of that Primary evidence. I have the Itinerary records, and that's about it. I had reported my Passport stolen/lost, so I could call them and ask for a record of that.

    I had been planning on visiting her before we started this process, but things here sort of got in the way, and my finances were stretched a bit thin. This whole thing is typical of Government procedures. I should have expected it to be a cluster-mess.

    I'm thinking my leave record's would help as well. I was in the Army still the last time I visited her, so I will call up there and see if I can get them to fax me a copy of my leave paperwork as well. What do you guy's think?

    Sidenote we have pictures, and I also have letters from her roommates and family stating the last time I was there, and about our intention's. I now know I should have started looking at this stuff sooner. LOL!

  5. Hi all.

    Ok, I'm about to file for the K-1 Visa for my Fiance. I've been to the Philippines several times in the past four year's. The problem is that the last time I returned I had my passport stolen from my housing, and had to get a new one. I have the itinerary and a ticket stub from 2008, but not from 2010 the last time I was there to see her. I have letter's from her family and friend's stating our relationship and our intention's to marry, and photographs from March 2010 when i was last over there.

    Is the lack of my travel proof going to be an issue for us filing? Unfortunate circumstances of course.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

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