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Deb - Steven

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About Deb - Steven

  • Birthday 06/24/1974

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Met on Paltalk 12-1-10
    Started Dating 12-6-10
    He came to Ohio 2-10-11
    Engaged 3-3-11
    Back to Oz 5-10-11 (so hard to say goodbye :( )
    Deb House Fire 5-30-11
    Steven Statewide Bushfires 1-4-13
    Came for visit 6-11-13 (overstayed to take care of me)

Immigration Info

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  • Our Story
    We met online and was an instant connection. He made arrangements to come to the US on a Visa Waiver for 3 months. We are going into our 2nd month of him being here and he has asked me to marry him. Trying to find out the information that we need to get him here permanently. I am a stay at home mom with limited income. Appreciate any information given.

    Its been 2 yrs now. We have had a few bumps in the road but are stronger than ever. Financially its been hard to get anything done with the house fire and losing alot and being homeless and now him dealing with bushfires and possibly losing his home. We have been trying to get him back for a visit but money has been a big issue and now this. Don't know why its happend but waiting to see the reason behind it. Everything happens for a reason. <3

    We just spent our third Christmas together. He came for a 3 month visit back in June of 2013, overstayed to take care of me, due to health issues. We are no further as it has been very hard financially. Trying to figure out the best way to do things at this point. We are not married yet. My ex is dragging his feet in getting our dissolution done and driving us absolutely crazy. Im waiting on approval for SSI, with back pay I WILL be paying for the dissolution and getting this stuff in order asap. Prayers and thoughts needed.

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