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Posts posted by aimeevsgarnette

  1. Digicel international credit :thumbs: We both have blackberries so we text, send pics, videos, voice messages, songs, all sorts of things, anytime for "free" with the blackberry messenger. It is sooooo nice to have constant contact and not have to spend extra on texting and so forth

  2. He has stated that she is a pinay and is working the cayman islands so she will have her interview in Jamaica. Co-Sponsors are not a problem for JA and they will require the same paperwork as your affidavit of support (paystubs, bank statements, taxes usually 3 years back they like to see for JA, I-134 and so on). The easiest thing for you to do is just to keep your job now (unless it is relatively easy for you to find another that meets the requirements) and have a co-sponsor.

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