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Everything posted by Rayoflight

  1. Thank you! Still hard to believe after all this time! It didn't make sense to me either but I went with it. 40 extra minutes of driving though!
  2. Well I am officially a US citizen! The ceremony was hectic but great! I registered to vote, updated my info at social security, and yesterday I applied for my passport! The odd thing is at the passport appointment they wanted my marriage certificate. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why since my naturalization certificate and drivers license are in my married name but I went and got it at home just in case. https://richmond.com/news/local/naturalization-ceremony-us-citizens-constitution-day/article_af6a4d9e-4d9e-11ee-afe3-fbe8f7574569.html
  3. yay!! we will soon be done with USCIS!!
  4. Check this out, I was wondering why they were having it at the Siegel Center! https://news.vcu.edu/article/2023/09/vcu-to-host-naturalization-ceremony-on-sept-18-for-600-new-us-citizens
  5. Yes, I received my notification on August 17. I wasn't expecting it to be that fast. My coworkers husband had his interview in March and his oath is scheduled for September 20th LOL
  6. I was approved also! My oath is scheduled for September 18th at the Siegal Center in Richmond!
  7. I am not sure. I have had conflicting information on that. I do know my coworkers husband had his interview in March and the officer actually asked him why she wasn't there. It's odd because she isn't even a citizen and hasn't applied yet. She was at the hotel. He still passed an all but I thought that was odd. I guess I can offer to go get him out of the parking lot if they ask haha
  8. I'm gonna do the same with Chad. Review the ones I get stuck on! We have a few hour drive. Is Travis going inside with you? Chad wants to wait in the car.
  9. I have everything sorted and ready to go! Hopefully I don't forget anything! I am so nervous! I keep mixing up a few of the questions, just hope & pray I don't freak out and blank on everything!! It will all be fine, I am sure!
  10. haha.. I came here too.. so nervous! I know the questions pretty good but I am afraid I will blank. I am bringing originals of everything and tax transcripts. Not sure what else to bring.
  11. My extension was written on the receipt notice for the payment
  12. yes, I saw that there also. I'll make sure I have those items for sure.
  13. If they ask just tell them why you don't have it. It should be fine! I don't know what I need to bring because I applied for 5 year rule since I had been here so long but maybe I should have did 3 year since I am still married. I was confused about that. I'll bring my husbands docs anyway, just in case they ask.
  14. I think I'll be fine if they don't reject anything. I was not happy with my picture but sent it anyway. There was a small shadow on one side of my neck. I should have asked the guy to redo it but I didn't at the time. I don't know why I didn't just ask him to retake it!! I don't think they will care if it is expired. I do have an expired one that I can bring but it is not the one I used for the 2 trips I made home over the past 10 years.
  15. haha.. I want it over that's for sure! I've been studying some but will have to get more serious! Been using the flash cards on citizen now app. I am freaking out because I sent my passport off for renewal to Canada! No clue if I will get it back in time for the interview!!
  16. Norfolk!! Does yours say 10am? I have a feeling they all say the same time LOL
  17. Same day I am scheduled, on my birthday no less! Is yours it in Charlotte again or Norfolk?
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