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Chris & Nika

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Posts posted by Chris & Nika

  1. Do the Same Income Requirements Apply to Form I-134 as Apply to Form I-864?

    No. The 125 percent of the federal poverty guideline minimum income requirement, the most recent year's tax return, and other requirements only apply when Form I-864 is needed. Applicants presenting Form I-134 will need to show that their U.S. sponsor's income is 100 percent of the federal poverty guideline.


    I believe Ive read it was 125%.... lol

  2. Guess Im also just killing the time.... my fiance is the creator of this though :)

    a snail dies and goes to hell. as punishment the devil revives him and puts him to work at uscis vermont

    a turtle dies and the devil sends him to watch the snail

    MORAL OF THE STORY: why torture 2 for eternity when there are so many more you can torture here on earth

    hope the snail get's fired ------->

    a snail walks into a bar, says bartender give me a drink i just got fired from my job.

    bartender says: where did you work?

    snail: at uscis vermont

    bartender: you got fired for working to fast?

    snail: no for working at all

  3. First, Im not a 3rd world country :D I thought that was a cute comment, but anyways.....

    as said... it depends on the mood of the officer.... when I flew in I had to write the little form where it asked about visas (denied, received...bla bla bla) so I wouldnt lie on that piece of paper, second it has nothing to do with K1 process... it will in no way affect that... its only a matter of what happens if the officer thinks that you are coming for staying and you need to have money on hand to go back the same day..... We called the customs, USCIS has nothing to do with it, its not them letting you in the country in the airport..... We talked with the customs guy and his supervisor in JFK (new york, so Ide say they know what they talk about.... it can happen that someone got it, but somebody else could be more unlucky.... so we made the decision to save money and fire it off when we meet instead of not knowing if we even meet :) But yeah thats my opinion ;)

  4. Hey,

    I wanted to do the same, but I was strongly advised by the customs ( I called JFK airport customs)... the answer was.... It all depends on the mood of the customs guy you will talk to... you basically need to have enough evidence that you come back to your home country that he lets you in.... I planned on getting a letter from my employer saying that Im coming back, the airport customs still wasnt sure though.... I think its more of a question if they let you in US (or you spent money in vain).... not the interview..... I calculated that Ide rather save the money in case they dont let me in.... remember that if they dont let you in US you have to have money to get ticket for the next plain heading back to where you came from.... so yeah.... I gave in and followed the "strong suggestion" of not risking....

  5. Hey guys,

    I saw some of you being excited that you got through to tier2.... we did too, and got an email saying that we have to wait since our case is not emergency and we cant provide any proof that it is.... so basically when they get tired of us calling they put you through, give you your number (that you cant do anything with) and say wait 5 days... 5 days pass and they say....yyyps sorry... we cant help til its your turn.... so yeah Im not overjoyed about having the case number :D

    But we did get our sweet senator Bob to react on our email, so we are sending out privacy release and hope he will check it.... well i guess he will if his office called us back :)

    Good luck with today.... and new applications that are approved!!!! :)

  6. hey,

    There is not much advice you can get on it, to be honest. People who will not want to accept her, will not.... I would say that it also depends on her, to be honest. If she is one that is lovable and nice and treating your parents as if they are hers- I think it should be less of a problem. In general Ide say probably they wont like the short time you have know each other guys.... not that Im better... so not pointing fingers.... but yeah... time is the proof that your parents and family will need... gotta be patient and loving and give them the time that they need to take it as it is.... all you can do is be there when they want to communicate... time will make it easier.... I sure would wanna be the one telling my parents that... so that they dont get it to know from someone else..... also the kids.... no matter what is their age.... if thats what you believe is right- go for it and present it as such.... Im lucky to have awesome mother-in-law to be :)

  7. Hey guys.....

    We are also the "lucky" waiting couple.... we still have patience though :).... BUT was wondering..... the previous times we called, the processing time was said to be 5 months.... after that we could call and then we would be sending a message "up" to whoever would be interested in it, since it got out of time frame... the 5 estimated months (yeah I knooow its just us interested in it, no one else LOL ),but anyways.... this polite guy said yes estimated time is 5 months, but to get out of estimated time its plus 32 days..... so now we are confused LOL..... all the previous employees said call one day after the 5 months are over.... so when do we call..... ?!?!?!.... OR THEY WILL SAY THE SAME IN THE 5 MONTHS AND 32 DAYS AGAIN? lol

    so yeah, we are 5 months and 1 day waiting time :D

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