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j.j & danny

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    we met in Mexico about 2 years were living together for a 1 yea in mexico
    have a baby boy
    and want to be together like a family again

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  1. he is done with the interview they gave him a blue paper he ask 3 times or more if he was aprove they told him to wait until he recived it at dhl what does that mean

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. j.j & danny

      j.j & danny

      no he did not pay or anything they told he until he recived it at df he had to pay

    3. mtymxo


      I had my interview last wednesday and the woman told me my finger prints wasnt in her sistem yet and she will approve it in the afternoon when it appears Im still waiting... I know how you feel we were supposed to be relief after the interview but Im more stress...

    4. j.j & danny

      j.j & danny

      I KNOW we tough this was almost over but we still have to wait why do they make us suffer

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