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US Immigration from Uzbekistan

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K1 visa: college admission deadline to expedite the processing
10:44 am June 26, 2021



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we have been waiting for k1 visa for 28 months. We were planning for my fianc e to start college in Fall semester so she won t lose half a year without education. Unfortunately, we don t know when the US embassy in Tashkent Uzbekistan will start working. So I was wondering if I can obtain admission request from colleges for my fianc e for Fall semester that can be used to expedite the k1 visa processing. Does anyone have any experience with that?

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Uzbekistan IR-1/CR-1/K-1 cases
9:53 pm June 25, 2021



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Hello Everyone.

I'm starting this thread to keep track of and share information among family based immigrant visa applicants at the US Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Please provide the visa type and your current progress.

We're awaiting of our CR1 visa, currently DQ'ed by NVC as of February 22, 2021. Tried expediting our case and got denied. According to NVC, the US Embassy in Tashkent has resumed processing family based immigrant visas but are working with limited staff. We just wanted to get some input from VJ members here to estimate how many people are in line for an interview in Uzbekistan.

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Updated Form I-797
7:43 pm May 1, 2021



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Hello, my green card is in the process of renewing as I have live in New York for over 10 years. I received Form I-797 which below says that I can stay authorized to work, and I can travel with this form . My question is can I travel to Dominican Republic with this form Although my green card isexpired?

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US embassy in Tashkent Uzbekistan
12:22 pm April 30, 2021



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I am the petitioner for k1 visa and my fianc e is from Tashkent, Uzbekistan. I was wondering if there are other applicants from Uzbekistan. Does anyone have any information about US Embassy in Tashkent Uzbekistan? Are they processing any k1 visas? Was anyone able to get an interview or visa recently?

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Military spouse AOS expedite
9:26 pm June 16, 2020



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I applied for AOS in November of 2019 and it's been "Ready to Schedule for an Interview" since then. I was all fine with long waiting time at Phoenix USCIS office but we found out that my husband is PCSing to South Korea at the end of October. We are trying to get Command Sponsorship so I could go with him but now I'm worried about my Greencard interview not even being scheduled yet. I found some stories here on VJ of people who had similar experience with successful expedites but most of them are from 5-6 years ago. My husband doesn't have his orders yet and it most likely that he will have them one month prior to leaving. We tried calling USCIS military helpline today but the lady on the phone couldn't really help us saying that we don't fall into any categories for expediting. So now I'm confused, how did other people do it? what reason will be the right for that purpose?

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Pages: First 3 4 5   (Viewing page 5 of 5 ) - topics in the last 5 years

Recent Visa Approvals

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