Things our girls say when they first get here?
Well, I married a city girl with a country girl's heart, which is good because we're building a small house (not a tiny house) on a dirt road, in rural Maine. What does she do? What any self respecting Ukrainian gal would do, go mushroom hunting of course. "Hachu les. hachu les." We're surrounded by woods, knock yourself out babe. We now have several lbs of dehydrated shrooms (reduced to several ounces) in the pantry and now she wants an old cheap blender to make some shroom powder for soups.
I took her kayaking (sit on top) at one of my favorite local lakes. Now its "kagda go baidarka apyat?" Next time we're taking the sleek sea yaks out.
Almost every time we get in the Ram to go to town I hear "Kak horosho" in a very contented voice.
And yesterday when we returned to the apartment (10 mins away from the cabin site) on a rather humid day I hear "switch on the conditioner". SCORE!
She has 2 jackets and 2 or 3 sweaters in the Ram so I can crank the AC.
I'm actually a little nervous about when she finally opens that 6 CD set of Pimsler - Eng for Ru speakers sitting next to her laptop. She's still binge watching shroom hunting and thrift shop videos, so I'm safe for now.
Her SSN and Green Card have both arrived. Now if I can get her to understand she needs to have these things WITH her when we go out (and her fishing license). I want to go to DMV and get her State ID card and open a bank account for her.
Life is good
So to sum things up. My gal's transition is going quite smoothly.