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US Immigration from Ukraine
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Pages: First 3 4 5 6 7 Last (Viewing page 5 of 104 ) - topics in the last 5 years
How can I identify, whether I am a resident of CA? |
9:24 am February 15, 2024 | |
Read 839 Times 4 Replies
Hello there! I am a refugee, and currently trying to apply for FAFSA, being in California. The very first question in the form is: what is the date, when you became a legal resident? How can understand whether or not I am a resident? (I ve been living in the U.S. for more than a year and I do have SSN) Should I just write the date, which happened after a year living in the U.S.?
Housekeeping question |
2:18 am January 29, 2024 | |
Read 516 Times 4 Replies
For some strange reason, I have two items in the Comments for the Citizenship section of my timeline yet none of them display when I VIEW my timeline (comments display nothing, like I never entered any). When I go to EDIT my timeline, there they are in the Comments box. I have comments in other parts of my timeline that DO display whenever I view it. Anybody else have this problem? If you solved it, what did you do?
Free tax consultation |
11:40 pm January 27, 2024 | |
Read 518 Times 1 Replies
Hello all, My wife is a tax preparer. She is not a CPA and is not a Tax attorney. This is her 3rd season as a tax preparer and she's pretty knowledgeable about most tax subjects except for S and C-corp subjects. She's offering free tax consultation to new immigrants and U4U program participants. If you are interested please message me.
Anyone having tech issues getting to old account? |
12:45 pm December 12, 2023 | |
Read 427 Times 2 Replies
Starting last evening, and all day today so far, if I try to access our online account via the old website the verification codes don't seem to be coming back to our email address. This problem only started happening yesterday evening. No issues previously. Are any others having the same problem?
Pages: First 3 4 5 6 7 Last (Viewing page 5 of 104 ) - topics in the last 5 years
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