I'm a US Citizen, wife is Ukrainian with an unconditional green card. We are starting the process to obtain a visa for her adult son. Takes several years, I know :-(.
The online application says to provide translations of any documents in a foreign language. Unlike my wife's documents, however, that is all it says. It doesn't say the translator needs to provide a statement of professional qualifications, it doesn't say anything about certifications on company letterhead, it doesn't say anything other than a "translation".
I can save us a little money and do the translations myself. Frankly, I'm unimpressed with a lot of the "professional" translators out there, I can usually do as well or better. But I don't want USCIS to come back after a year or two and say a professional translator with certifications is required, particularly if that means they'll toss the application and we have to start over.
Thoughts? War stories and/or actual experiences with this process? All advice welcome.
--Barry and Mila