Hi All, my fiance is preparing to fill out the I-134 form however there are few questions which sort of confused us.
Kindly need help from you to answer it.
1. For Page 3 " Dependents' Information "
the folowing persons are dependent upon me for support. If you need extra space to compete this section, use the space provided in Part7. Additional Information.
10.a to 13. should we fill out the Beneficiary's name?
or should we keep it as blank if my fiance is not sponsor anyone at the moment?
2. For page 4
quesiton 38. I ( )intend / ( ) do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person(s) named in Part 2. ( the beneficiary)
should my Fiance selected intend if he is supporting me after i entry the US? or is it ok for him to selected "do not" intend?
thank you all for answering it in advance