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N-400 USCIS Has been using two names
2:20 am December 28, 2024



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My wife has had a green card since 2016 and is wanting to apply for citizenship. She has had a US social security card since she was young with her "American" first/given name. She also had this name as an "also known as" name on her Taiwan passport. She has this name for her bank accounts, credit cards, loans, all work/tax documents, and state drivers license... it is even listen when singing in to the egov.uscis.gov website we used to check the status of our green card applications. This was also her given name on her first green card. But back in 2018 when we did the renewal to get her second green card, they changed the name to her given "Mandarin" name, which is also on the name on her birth certificate.

We are in the Portland area.

Does anyone have any guidance as to how we need to fill out our N400? Can we just use the "American" given name or do we need to use the given "Mandarin" name and do a name change on the application. Or perhaps this isn't possible in Portland and we just need to do a legal name change afterwards?

I appreciate any help in advance. Thanks!

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Can green card holder receive public benefits?
4:15 am October 18, 2024



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Not sure if this is the right forum for my question, but my wife is a green card holder, me and our 2 children are US citizens, we live in California. Is it okay for my wife to receive public benefits(SNAP, Medi-Cal, etc.)? We quality based on income, and the State of California is okay with it (they're even given to undocumented immigrant now), but would there be issues with USCIS about me and my joint sponsor having to pay back means-tested benefit as stated on the affidavit of support?

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Please chime in
11:14 am September 26, 2024


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Hello guys, I m currently in the process of applying for n400. Will a pre trial diversion for driving while license suspended results in my application to be deny and I have to wait for 5 years to reapply?

i did not get arrested at all, this happened 18 years ago but I just now realize it because I did a fbi name check and it shows up in the rap sheet.

Thank you all for yours input on this

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N-400 (Fee and Physical Presence question) base on marriage with US Citizen Spouse
7:45 pm August 19, 2024


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Hi all,

I am preparing to submit the N-400 based on the marriage with a US Citizen spouse. I have a couple questions. Can anyone help?

(1) What's the application fee filing by paper? Is it $760, do i need to add other fee such as biometric?
(2) What's the physical presence requirement out of the three years rule (how many day)? Can I apply for the early filing (2 years and 9 months)?

Thank you,

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Name Change After Marriage
3:15 pm August 5, 2024


Read 1535 Times
17 Replies

Hello All!

I'm a U.S. citizen living in the U.S. who recently traveled to Taiwan and married my wife. We plan to bring her to the U.S. through the CR-1 visa process. I haven't submitted the I-130 petition yet. Our marriage certificate shows her maiden name. On her current passport, it lists her maiden name and "Also known as" name. We've been considering/debating whether she should change her name to my last name. It would be nice to change but seems like a lot involved, especially for her because of all the document and institution updating involved. Anyways, some advice on this forum suggests it's best to get a new passport with her married name first.

With that said, can I use her married name on the I-130 and I-130a and submit them before she gets a new passport to potentially save time?

How and when should she update her US social security card? She actually worked temporarily in the US via J1-visa program and already have her SSN in her maiden name.

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