We are almost ready to file our AOS application based on marriage. This is what evidence we have so far:
- Bills in both names
- Joint bank account (We got married last month so we will have one statement at the time we file and will bring more to our interview)
- Husband as an authorized user on my credit card
- Shared health insurance through his job
- Shared vision insurance through his job
- Shared dental insurance through his job
- Listed as beneficiary on his life insurance
- Pictures together from the three years that we have been together
- Affidavit from a close friend
- Reciepts for birthday gifts etc
- Mail addressed to both of us at the same address
- Individual letters explaining our relationship and our three years of history
We cannot add submit a lease as we have been unable to add him to my lease due to it being student housing (he is allowed to live here, however).
Does this look like it will be enough? Is there anything else we should add to the list?