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US Immigration from Somalia

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K1 Question
2:25 pm May 23, 2022



Read 615 Times
5 Replies

Hello everyone,

We filed/mailed out a k1 visa application on 3/18/2022 and it was received on 3/22/2022. The payment was cashed on 3/24/2022. We have no heard anything at all. Is it normal that we haven't even received notication that the application was received? I recall reading somewhere on the USCIS site that usually receipt notication is sent within 30 days. Should we reach out to USCIS?

Thank you

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K1 Questions
2:55 am January 18, 2022



Read 1635 Times
16 Replies

Hello all, I am hoping for some guidance on a family members current situation. A friend of my mother wants to marry my uncle who is in Somalia. The problem is Somalia isn't an easy country to immigrate from. The relationship started about 8 years ago when my mother went on a trip to Somalia to visit family. Before the trip my mother asked the friend what she wanted as gift from when she got back and she asked for some clothes. My uncle is a great tailor in Mogadishu and has his own shop. When my mother got back, she brought a lot of clothes back for the friend. The friend in fell in love with the clothes and this was the start to a strange relationship. The friend demanded to speak to my uncle to thank him via video chat. From there on it became an every weekend thing where she would come to speak with my uncle. My mother has gone on a trip to Somalia almost every year after and the friend would always send gifts and money to my uncle and ask for more clothes. Last year she asked my grandmother and mother if they would be okay with her and my uncle getting married. My mom told her she had no problem with it but my uncle would have to approve. My mother spoke to my uncle and told her about what he though, he said that he's had feeling for her too but didn't think it would be possible with how things were in Somalia. The friend decided she would go with my mother this year to see him in person to see if the feeling would be the same. As soon as they landed and met, she called and said yes she wants to do the whole marriage process and bring him to America. I want to help but I am not sure where to start. Plus there are a few problems that I told them about:

  1. She is 14 years older than him but he doesn't mind, as they both don't want children as they both have children already. She's 60 and he's 46.
  2. Although she is Muslim, she does not speak Somali. All communication have been through mother, grandmother, or cousin (Uncle's daughter who speaks English).
  3. He's been married before but his wife died over15 years ago.

Now that she is there for the next 2 months, does it make more sense for her to get married there and then file for a marriage visa or is the fiance visa better? I've read the K1 visa guide and have told her of everything she needs get for us to start the process already.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Police certificate/clearance
2:31 pm October 19, 2021

Abdirashid mohame

Read 600 Times
3 Replies

I need police certificate i don't have request letter but i have noa2 so can iget police fingerprint

Please help me

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Sent AOS Documents through USPS but to different location
2:45 pm May 3, 2021



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4 Replies

Hey guys. I have sent all the required forms to the USCIS on May first through USPS to Chicago Lockbox but unfortunately when I was sending it, I didn't know that Chicago Lockbox had two addresses for the delivery depending on the courier of the Package. Usps had the PO BOX Address and the rest had another address, so I sent the documents through USPS but to the other delivery address. I will attach the addresses screenshot. What do you guys think. Any one had this experience before?128E393D-7437-48C3-9085-201B00D40F19.thumb.png.f07e74ffb2699251b5a20f78b95fc704.png

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Help with RFE
2:41 pm March 30, 2021

Mo ali

Read 1041 Times
7 Replies

Guys I need help I had RFE ask for



they already have the birth certificate and marriage certificate but they need sworn Affidavits

I need help how to write those affidavits

country is Somalia

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