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US Immigration from Serbia

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Aos Employment Help
7:48 pm April 1, 2020



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Hello everyone, please some help, here is my situation.

I have S Corporation(online business) which I opened Dec 10, 2019 and I did tax return on zero because I just started to work. I don t know if I need to show this in the i864 that I m self employed and send tax transcript for corporation even it is on zero?

Also I m now outside of usa, visiting my spouse, and I m employed but on unpaid vacation. Should I have any problems with that because I have 3 pay stubs only for January, not from the last month?

In conclusion, I am considering showing that I am employed and self employed? Some opinion would be helpful.


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Help with affidavit from in law
9:06 pm March 4, 2020


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Hello guys. I know I've written a lot of topics lately. Some of them sounded a bit silly, but I think that something so serious one can never be too cautious.

My 90 day time frame opens in 7 days. I have documents collected but I still need to get affidavit from my mother in law. As I already stated in previous posts me and hubby live with my mother in law and we pay her half of rent and utilities. The thing is that apartment is in her name and so are all the bills. Do i state that in affidavit too? That all utilities are in her name as well as rent? And that we live with her. Or that would be going too into details... Maybe just stating that we live in her apartment is enough? Would it be good thing to add in affidavit that we have been living there for around 3 years now? Besides this she wanted to add more details about our relationship and friendship that we have developed during these years (or that's too much and unnecessary)?

One more question - In the cover letter to USCIS do I have to state that my husband is unemployed at the moment hence the lack of evidence from him (direct deposits, 401k, car payments) or that is evident since we are sending tax returns too?

Thank you guys for all the help with earlier questions. This forum is a life saver!

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Social media evidence for I-751?
8:44 pm February 28, 2020


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Hello fellow immigrants!

Right now I'm preparing all the documentation for removal of conditions. 11 days left till my 90 day period starts (crossing my fingers)!

My AOS was prepared by a lawyer (very expensive) and right now since I'm the only breadwinner (husband - the citizen isn't working) paying for lawyer fees is outta question. While gathering evidence for AOS lawyer advice us since we are millennials (and we millennials love social media, texting etc - his words) he adviced us to print out social media posts (with likes and comments - YES this is true), social media correspondence (Facebook, Instagram), as well as sms messaging and call logs. We submitted all this on our AOS interview (we got aproved on spot, officer was laughing while reading our messages on social media since me and hubby are texting 24/7).

My question today is: Should i include these in evidence for I-751 too? I feel like it couldn't hurt the case (especially since we don't have mutual insurance - only dental, and no car loans (only credit cards) and we still live with in laws (who wrote affidavit confirming we live together).

Did you include Social Media or no? Is it good to or no?

Feel free to DM me or write any advice down below if you have any advice. I would be VERY HAPPY and thankfull. Thank you so much and God bless you!

P.S. Sorry if my post seems rushed I am just very nervous about going throughout the whole process again. So nerve wracking!

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I130 transfer from California to Nebraska
11:05 pm February 17, 2020



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Hi , I got a case transfer 01-13-2020 to Nebraska from California and my noa1 it s 02-11-2019 But my question it s when I m checking processing time at uscis in Nebraska it s about 21-26 month , did I have to wait this much , or transfer cases has a different proces , thanks in advance

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CEAC status
10:00 pm February 12, 2020



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My CEAC status Is Ready.

For Case Last Updated first it was February 6th but today it Is changed to February 12th.

What does this change of dates acctualy means?

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