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US Immigration from Senegal

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Case Processing Status for NOA1 to NOA2
1:31 pm August 31, 2024



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I received the NOA1 from CSC in March 2024, and am waiting for NOA2. If CSC if processing NOA1 to NOA2 from roughly 101 days ago, is this accurate? Considering our case would have been received more than 101 days ago.

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K-1 Process Clarification
12:26 pm July 10, 2024



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I am looking for clarification for the K-1 process. Once USCIS sends the NOA2 showing the case was approved June 27, 2024, we now wait for NVC to contact the petitioner and beneficiary, correct? This is where I am confused, do we send documents to NVC for the K-1 to get a "documentarily approved" status, and then the case is forwarded to the embassy to schedule the interview. Or, does NVC just receive the case, assign the case number, and forward on immediately to the embassy where they then contact beneficiary and petitioner with the documents needed and interview scheduling procedure?

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Processing Center
6:43 pm January 11, 2024



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Does anyone know how the processing service center is assigned for an I-129F?

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Does anybody experience Administrative processing twice in the same case?
3:18 pm December 13, 2023


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I had my interview in June 2022 and I was refused under 221G because I was missing a document. After eleven month (May 2023) the consulate told me that my Administrative processing was completed and I need to submit my passport, that missing document and a new medical which I did on may 24th 2023. Now my case is still on administrative processing. My question is that how long more do I have to wait. its been an additional 6 months since i submitted those documents

NB: My passport is still at the embassy since may 24th.

Visa category:IR1

Us embassy of Dakar (Senegal).

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Document and Passport Return timeframe
4:56 pm September 18, 2023



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Does anyone know approximately how long it takes to have your documents returned after the embassy takes your passport and documents? In Dakar are you returning to the embassy to collect the documents and passport or is there another location?

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