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US Immigration from Scotland

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POE - Spouse Immigration Visa
8:13 pm October 28, 2020


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With the current flight uncertainties it is very difficult to comply with a POE statement made at interview. That is for example informing IO that the intended POE is Newark when its much more likely to get a flight to, say, Miami.

What impact, if any, would such a scenario have?

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Family Emergency in US
6:41 pm October 25, 2020



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19 Replies

Hello everyone.

This is my first VJ post and so apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place.

My wife (USC) and I (UK citizen) filed a DCF for a CR1 visa via the London Embassy earlier this year. The application is still in process and I just had my medical on October 16th 2020. Now, I am waiting to schedule my interview at the embassy in London.

On the morning of 10/18/20, we received news that my mother-in-law had suffered a serious cerebral hemorrhage in Los Angeles. My wife and I got on the next flight from the UK to LA to be with her. Sadly, my mother-in-law passed away on the morning of 10/23/20.

My wife and I are taking time to process the sudden loss of her mother. Currently, I am in the US on an ESTA (which is good up to 3 months, return flight in early December to the UK booked during the rush to get here) but we would very much like the peace of mind that I am able to remain in the US long term.

I am happy to return to the UK to attend an interview, but as I'd be coming from the US, I must self-isolate for 2 weeks upon my return. Accounting for this and the time it takes for me to receive my passport back via courier, it's likely I would be away from my wife for at least 1 month which would break my heart in this difficult time.

Given the circumstances, is it possible to move the location of my interview to Los Angeles? Or elsewhere in the US?

If yes, would this significantly push back my approval time given that we filed through DCF?

I just reached out to the embassy in London but I'm unsure if/when they will get back to me.

I really just want to be here for my wife during this emotional and stressful period of her life.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Is it possible to download/archive PMs?
1:24 am October 21, 2020


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I just saw my message storage space is about half full (!) and I wondered if there is a function on here that allows us to download or archive our message threads. There are some things I don't want to delete just to free up space. Thanks!

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Education Equivalency Evaluation: sealed in an envelope or copy?
12:16 am October 16, 2020



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My husband and I are preparing to submit his I-485 (and all supporting forms/documents). For his I-944, he had an equivalency evaluation done by IEE and we had the results emailed to us so we just printed that out to include with our petition. However, today a mailed copy arrived and it's in a sealed envelope with a stamp over the flap. This obviously seems like a more official copy that definitely wasn't altered in anyway. So should we include the sealed copy? Or is the printed copy good enough? I'm leaning toward using the printed copy and sending the sealed one if it is requested. My husband has a Masters and Ph.D. from well known schools in Scotland, so I am hoping they won't really question the equivalency of his education anyway. Thanks!

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Health Insurance Calculation
9:43 am October 8, 2020


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14 Replies

Trying to get me head around US Medical Bills and calculating how much is paid.

The scenario:

Health Insurance Plan

Deductibles = 5,000 (Fig 1)

Co Insurance is 30% (Fig 2)

Max Out of Pocket is 6,000 (3)

Medical Bill is 40,000 (4)

Deductible = 5,000 (1) (paid by policyholder)

Balance = 35,000 (5)

Apply Co Insurance percentage of 30% (2) to 35,000 (5) = 10,500 (6)

Gross Amount to be paid is 10,500 (6) + Deductibles 5,000 (1) = 15,500 (7)

Apply Max Out of Pocket of 6,000 (3)

Net Amount to Pay is 5,000 (1) (Deductibles) + 6,000 (3) (Max Out of Pocket) = 11,000 (8)

Is this calculation correct?

I know there are other things to be considered eg prescriptions, visit to doctor etc, and I will get to them once I understand this bit.

Grateful for some guidance on this.

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