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US Immigration from Pitcairn Islands

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Going to Philippines in Nov
2:19 am September 26, 2022

Nature Boy 2.0

Nature Boy 2.0

Read 985 Times
13 Replies

My wife and I have not been back in several years due to covid but are going in Nov.

I understand all you need is vaccination card. Is this correct. Hard to believe it's been 11 years since I use to participate in this forum during the K 1.

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Ignore feature not working?
3:31 am June 21, 2021


Read 960 Times
14 Replies

I have a member on my Ignore list, but continue to see their posts, and they continue to reply to my posts. I've added, deleted, and then re-added this user, to no avail. Does this feature not work, or is there something else I need to do?


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Pages: 1   (Viewing page 1 of 1 ) - topics in the last 5 years

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Nature Boy 2.0
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2. Dr. Obvious
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