My understanding is that to transfer an IR\CR case to an embassy in another country other than the beneficiary's home country they need to be a resident in this other country. Meaning you need to reside in this other country and not just be a tourist visiting.
Someone I chatted with is insisting that you can ask your IR\CR interview\case be transferred to any country as long as you are able to visit the other country and you can do this if the beneficiary's home country has a backlog of cases.
For example if the beneficiary is an Indian citizen and the US embassy in India has a huge backlog for IR\CR interviews you can get your case transferred to Kuwait which has a shorter wait time for an interview. I am quite certain that is not the case, you in fact have to be a resident of Kuwait and not a tourist to get the case transferred to Kuwait from India.
Can someone confirm if I am correct or if this other person is correct?
Thanks in advance.