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US Immigration from Nigeria

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IRS says they won’t pay us!!!
3:19 pm October 6, 2023

Oko Vicki

Oko Vicki

Read 2664 Times
24 Replies

Hey guys, I m back again

Kindly assist to shed some light on my tax issue.

We filed amended taxes for 2020 and 2021, got a mail from IRS few days ago saying they cannot pay us.

Their reason is that we have passed the grace period to amend for those tax years. But we can appeal within the next 2 years blah blah I m confused. Is this correct? If not, what can we do to get our money from them?

My ROC window opens April 17, so we will have 2022 and 2023 joint taxes. Is there likely to be an issue if we can t provide joint taxes for 2020 and 2021(we married in 2020)??

I kept the letter from IRS to show USCIS in case they ever want to move mad because of the taxes.

Please advise!

NB: IRS are a joke man. Apparently my wife owes them from 2020, so they kept my 2022 refund. Now they are asking us to pay what she owes but they won t pay us what they owe us?? I find this very corny and funny

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From DQ to Interview at the Naples, Italy Consulate
9:15 am October 5, 2023

Boyi and Eve Bete

Boyi and Eve Bete

Read 2867 Times
10 Replies

Hi Everyone,

My husband and I are currently at the NVC stage and we wanted to get an idea about how long it takes to get an interview after being DQ'd at NVC, but unfortunately, there is very little information to be found on this site, or any other. So, I am creating this thread just for that and hope it will be helpful for others as time goes by. Feel free to share your recent timeline.



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2:43 am October 5, 2023



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Hey guys, I applied for Roc August 2021 which is still pending till date. I applied for N400 September 2022 under 3years rules and had my interview April 2023 and i passed. Officer said am recommending you for approval. Since then nothing changes and i reached out to USCIS after 120 days and all they said was if i didn't hear anything after 90 days which is NOV 30th i should submit another request. My question is what do i do after NOV 30TH? Should i submit another request or what do i do next?

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9:34 pm October 2, 2023



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9 Replies

Pls i have 2 questions.

Backstory : I forgot to add an important supporting document when i sent in my i751. When i filed, USCIS created an online account for me and sent me a receipt notice with this information and login details. My Receipt No. starts with IOE (which mean processing online).

So i login into my new account and i saw my i751 application but i was shocked to see just one page of a random supporting document amongst the hundreds i mailed in physically with my application. So, i assumed one random document was what was needed to create the account and i didn't put much thought to it no longer because i had mailed in all my supporting documents.

1. So this is where my first question comes in. Was this the same situation for those of you that got the IOE receipt no. after mailing in your application?? Was one random document just uploaded for you when your online account was created?

2. and here comes my second question
Now, i want to go ahead and upload the important document i forgot about to my online account. Is that a good idea? what should i do?

P.s. If if this is not the right place to post this,. pls let me know. thanks


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Immigrant visa been refused under 221g
6:24 pm September 28, 2023

Greatness Ezekwe

Greatness Ezekwe

Read 4781 Times
22 Replies

My immigrant visa has been refused under 221g , I went for my interview on August 2nd the consulate officer took my passport and said they will send a form for me to fill I should fill it and resend it to them immediately which I did , upto till now I haven't received any response from the Embassy, dose it mean they don't want to give me a visa.

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