Hello everyone.
So i had my interview on the 8th of January. It went generally well, but the interviewer told me i would have to provide an additional document (attestation of birth). he told me that after i provided it, my visa would be issued and that it would take about 2 weeks. He gave me back my passport, a document request form and a nd told me i would have to resubmit both of them, along with the requested document, in order to get my visa.
He also gave me the uscis immigrant fee form and the printout with information on domestic violence.
I obtained the requested document in 48hrs, but when i tried to submit, i was told that they had not requested for my passport on the request form. They refused to accept my passport, as a result.
When i tried to log in to ceac website some days later, i discovered i had been placed in administrative processing.
It has now been three months.
The recent change in language on the ceac website was confusing as i thought i had been refused. To be frank, i'm still not sure what the current situation is.
Does anyone else have any insight or perhaps a similar experience?