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US Immigration from Nigeria

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Expedite letter
2:09 pm January 3, 2023

Jo and Ogb

Jo and Ogb

Read 1096 Times
6 Replies

Has anyone had any success on approval from the embassy sending a expedite letter due to financial loss? If so can someone please help me I currently just had our 1st child and can t work need my husband to care for our child also how do I ask for assistance from my congressman to write letter on my behalf and does it work

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Tax Filing
3:34 pm December 20, 2022



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3 Replies

My wife and I have been married since June 2019. We filed taxes jointly for the first year but decided to file married but filing separately on our subsequent taxes. We both make good money. Will filing taxes under married but filing separately have any impact on her being my sponsor for the I-130 application? She s USA citizen.

Thank you in advance

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Late File Taxes/Transcipts IRS
4:27 am December 15, 2022



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My tax guy dropped the ball and didn t file my taxes on time now it s too late to E-file this years taxes. I had to go into a local IRS office to drop off my taxes and have them stamp it as proof that it was filed via paper. The man in the office told me that it can take up to 6 months just for the transcript to appear online because of the backlog however I have the physical copy with a stamp from the IRS as proof that it was filed via paper. Will this a justifiable document to take to the interview?

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5:36 pm December 12, 2022



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Please I need an advice. On a case of IR-1/CR-1 visa. Does anyone have an idea how I can expedite my case? What do I need to do? What are the criteria to expedite my case? Do I need to have a reason before I m qualified to expedite? Please can anyone help?

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Police report for Nigeria
12:51 am November 12, 2022

Jo and Ogb

Jo and Ogb

Read 1067 Times
6 Replies

My husband got his police report a few months ago but it says it's only valid for 3 months. When he goes for his interview does he need to get a updated one or will the embassy accept it even though it's pass expiration date?

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Pages: First 5 6 7 8 9 Last  (Viewing page 7 of 33 ) - topics in the last 5 years

Recent Visa Approvals

TennilleO T & A
IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Otuonye_Cherrice Cherrice & Chikadibia
K1 Visa
K & O
IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Andrew & Mariam
IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Nwakeze’s P & Chi
IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Upcoming Interviews

Mrs. J Mrs. JBM & Mr. JBM
IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Newest Nigeria Members

ST and F
Nwaobiakara Famil
Ruth chidimma
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Top Posting Members

1. dwheels76
2. NigeriaorBust
4. Abies
5. patient2010
6. ndu26
7. Enlighten one :)
8. EOC
9. winnie george
10. Perseverance
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