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US Immigration from Nigeria

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NVC stage civil documents.
5:33 pm May 24, 2020


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My husband and I are at the NVC stage, can anyone please help us with the questions listed below;

1. Is it necessary to upload child of beneficiary s birth certificate although the child is not included on this affidavit of support?

2. Does the beneficiary need to go to medical examination / test before receiving the interview letter or after receiving the letter?

3. Better still, will the interview letter have instructions to go for medical examination / test?

4. Does the beneficiary need to upload educational certificates?

5. Does beneficiary need to upload proof of employment?

Thank you.

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8:43 pm May 19, 2020


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10 Replies

I just completed my online application for the spousal visa,do I need to submit the I-944 Public charge rule form with my application ?

I will appreciate your comments.

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Confusing Application Question
10:30 pm May 14, 2020



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I am confused and stuck on this question,

"At which USCIS office will the beneficiary apply for adjustment of status to lawful permanent resident?"

What exactly does that mean? Is it asking about an office in the states or Nigeria? If it's in the state, what are the best options?

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Self Employed Beneficiary Question
11:53 pm May 13, 2020



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So I am currently filling out the online application to have my husband come over... hopefully. But I am currently stuck on the employment section for him. He is self employed, a driver actually, like uber or taxi. He doesn't drive for a specific company. Will him being self employed mess up our chance of the first step being approved? Will they ask for taxes on his part or documents showing proof of employment?

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I have a silly question😬
1:00 am April 30, 2020



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Hey everyone, we have decided to do the immigration process without a lawyer and have started to fill out the form on the USCIS Website. I read somewhere that after filling it out, I must mail my documents to the USCIS office. Is that true? The post was written in 2006 so I want to be up to date.

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