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US Immigration from Nigeria

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Can I still attend my scheduled interview when medical is pending for further investigation
10:13 pm December 29, 2023



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Please help with Lagos embassy experiences

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Hello House. Please what does it mean to not have access to your USCIS I-130 online petition? My hubby tried to know the status of our case as usual and of all a sudden, they are asking for an online code before we can access it. We don't know the code...
2:05 pm November 26, 2023



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Please what does it mean to be asked to input an online code before we can access our USCIS petition?

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Chat History
8:48 pm November 25, 2023


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Dear Community,

I have received a RFE on my i130. I m in the US and my spouse is in Nigeria. I would like to know what you all suggest for submitting chat history. Our WhatsApp chat history dates all the way back to October 2017. How much should I submit? For example one conversation per month of the time period? One per quarter? I m definitely not interested in doing one per week. Gosh this is such a task!!!! Please help. Thanks in advance.

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Is it safe to upload our pictures for additional information
12:35 am October 17, 2023



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Greetings House. Please is it safe to upload additional information on the USCIS portal if the USCIS is already actively reviewing our case

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Does a beneficiary kid need a visa
1:32 pm July 17, 2023



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this is my question, my daughter is 6 years old and i want asked does she need a visa to enter the state with me because i will like to take her with me.....

what does i have to do any help will be useful

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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 Last  (Viewing page 3 of 33 ) - topics in the last 5 years

Recent Visa Approvals

TennilleO T & A
IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Otuonye_Cherrice Cherrice & Chikadibia
K1 Visa
K & O
IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Andrew & Mariam
IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Nwakeze’s P & Chi
IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Upcoming Interviews

Mrs. J Mrs. JBM & Mr. JBM
IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Newest Nigeria Members

ST and F
Nwaobiakara Famil
Ruth chidimma
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Top Posting Members

1. dwheels76
2. NigeriaorBust
4. Abies
5. patient2010
6. ndu26
7. Enlighten one :)
8. EOC
9. winnie george
10. Perseverance
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