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US Immigration from Nigeria

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I-864 Bar Code & Other Questions [split topic]
11:02 am June 7, 2020


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2 Replies

On 6/5/2020 at 5:29 PM, pushbrk said:

Thanks for not asking an unimportant question. You are the primary sponsor and will complete your own I-864. Because you show not self employment on a tax return yet, your current income is zero. Dad is the only joint sponsor, completing an I-864. Mom is his household member and completes an I-864a whether she has income or not.

Then, there is the issue of Dad's household size. If you filed your own tax return in 2019, it makes no sense you are your parent's dependent on their tax return for 2019. If were not claimed in 2019 then you are not part of your parents' household size, even if the expect to claim you for 2020. 2020 tax returns are filed in 2021. Perhaps that's a point of confusion. Please clarify.

@pushbrk I have submitted the I-864 twice and it was rejected right now the third time it is just showing submitted. I hope I finally got the upload and compress correct. It was under 2.0 MB as stated. I noticed mention of bar code on new forms, I did not see them on my forms when I printed them out. Is this code necessary? I printed them out and filled them out manually. Also, after all forms and documents are accepted, will they contact us or will we have to contact them? What is the next step? Thanks as always for your help.

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Covid affecting approved visa for spousal travel. Next step?
4:47 am June 2, 2020


Read 1235 Times
7 Replies

Hi all,

My spouse got his IR-1 approved and was set to travel in March. Covid happened and the airlines eventually cancelled all flights after rescheduling several times.

His deadline to get in is fast approaching (July 23). What do I do?

He's in Nigeria and the govt has just stated it'll reopen but they've said that 3 times before and didn't.

Is there a way I can get a waiver to let him in when the airports reopen? Is there a provision in USCIS for this?

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Please how many photos should I upload there?
3:00 pm May 29, 2020



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6 Replies

What should I upload there please.


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How long does it take for nvc stage to finish
4:41 pm May 28, 2020



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8 Replies

Hello my people please how long does it take for nvc stage to be completed to set up an interview date. Please how many pictures of me and my wife do we ve to upload for nvc?

thank you

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Spousal Visa Evidence/ Proof of Bonafide Marriage
2:55 am May 26, 2020



Read 2045 Times
22 Replies

Good evening,

My husband and I dated in June, got engaged in December, and got married in February. I know it was a "short" but it is what it is and I love him to death.

I am on the evidence portion of the I-130. So far, I uploaded our pictures, 3 affidavit letters, joint bank account from the bank, our chat history, paper work showing he's on my life insurance, social media posts, and airline tickets.

Is there anything else I can add to prove that our marriage is real? Is what I have enough? I know an eyebrow will be raised because of the timing.

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