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US Immigration from Nigeria

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AOS/Financial document
2:36 pm July 18, 2020


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Does the applicant need go to the interview with original or photocopy of Affidavit of Support and supporting documents?

Thank you.

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Can someone answer my question
4:48 am July 7, 2020


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Hello i want to know is the i-130 application the same as the CR-1 i want to know because i am filling online with uscis i have been married 2 years

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Permium Processing
12:10 am June 24, 2020


Read 2979 Times
34 Replies

Good day everyone,

I have been reading the comments of many members sharing their stories and updates about the process, which is very helpful. I have also seem on the USCIS website that your are offering permium processing for some petition I want to know if they offer that service for the i130 petition form for my husband. can anyone tell me if it's available.

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CR1 ALMOST 2 year
6:19 am June 13, 2020



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Hello fellow VJ members July 27 of this year will make it 2 years since we filed for CR1. We have make several contacts with USCIS we have continuously told that they are working on it. This is what we have been see on their site time and time again after any contact with them

  • 03/20/2020

    On March 20, 2020, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number T1B0702003476WAS, was assigned to an officer for response.

  • 12/04/2019

    On December 4, 2019, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number T1B3291905109TSC, was assigned to an officer for response.

  • 08/21/2019

    On August 21, 2019, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number T1B2181906182WAS, was completed.

  • 08/21/2019

    On August 21, 2019, we sent a response to your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number T1B2181906182WAS.

  • 08/21/2019

    On August 21, 2019, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number T1B2181906182WAS, was assigned to an officer for response.

  • 07/01/2019

    On July 1, 2019, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number SR11711900448TSC, was assigned to an officer for response.


    On June 8, 2020, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number SR11422002773TSC, was completed.


    On June 8, 2020, we sent a response to your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number SR11422002773TSC.


    On June 4, 2020, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number SR11422002773TSC, was assigned to an officer for response.


    On March 20, 2020, your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number T1B0702003476WAS, was completed.


    On March 20, 2020, we sent a response to your inquiry about why your case is taking longer than our processing time, referral number T1B0702003476WAS

    As you can see above are the several contacts we have made. The question is what do we do close to 2 years?

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I need advice
6:59 pm June 10, 2020


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I received a email from Uscis of Denial i dont understand why we were denied when i mailed in all information needed . Can someone give

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