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US Immigration from Nigeria

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10:42 am January 8, 2021



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Hi guys, we submitted tax transcript to NVC, they asked that we submit a W2 also. Our question is, would it be acceptable to take the W2 to the interview or should we upload it and would that delay the NVC process. Secondly, how do we know when a case is complete with NVC. Thanks a lot.

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Can someone please help me out in finding a joint sponsor form
8:47 am January 8, 2021

Oserei Michael

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I went for my interview yesterday and after all necessary questions which I confidently answered. I was given a form which had a tick on provision of joint sponsor + recent tax returns Put in between my passport. Please can anyone send me an image of this joint sponsor form. Thank you!

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No Birth Certificate
5:19 pm January 5, 2021



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My husband does not have his original birth certificate. Is that going to be a problem? He does have a signed letter from the court about his DOB and the loss of a BC.

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Proof of relationship
6:25 pm January 2, 2021



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Hello everyone. My husband(petitioner) and I are at the NVC stage, we were asked to submit proof of relationship between my husband and my father in law (household member). What documents can we use? Would a birth certificate suffice? Has anyone else dealt with something like this before? Thank you.

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What Should I do?
9:57 pm December 30, 2020


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Please advice! What would you do if you had two marriage certificates. One was issued by a religious society and the other is civil. The dates on both are different. We initially used the religious marriage certificate but was rejected by the USCIS and we later did the Civil wedding.. 1 year apart and my wife was already pregnant... Our wedding date with both USCIS and NVC is that of our religious wedding, (since we already filled the form and everything before the certificate was rejected) though they have both certificates with them. The question now is which date should I give when asked "when did you get married"?

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