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US Immigration from Nigeria

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Planning ahead...NVC documents?
11:56 pm February 20, 2021



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I finally received my NOA1!! I know it's going to take months before I hear anything about NOA2. I read somewhere that it is recommended to start collecting documents for NVC. Can someone give me a list of all the documents please?

Birth certificate

Marriage license

Police report

and what else?

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Got a joint sponsor (merged)
9:40 am February 20, 2021



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I need yall opinion on this. I got an email from Lagos consulate that I need a joint sponsor despite the fact that my wife makes 52000$,43000$ and 32000$ consecutively in 2017,18 and 19. And also own a house with equity value of 80000$ when I went for my interview last two month the officer told me that everything is OK but I will need to submit my wif current tax transcripts which is 2019 transcripts. My wife is on SSA which she makes 21000$ per annum but in 2019 her SSA was not included in her tax transcripts because she didn't make enough for the irs to tax from her SSA thereby the only income that show on her transcript is just 12000$... Mere looking at her 2019 tax transcripts you will think she only makes 12000$ because her SSA benefit was not included on the transcript because Is not taxable.. Could this be the reason why the consulate ask for joint sponsor? Going further we contact our immigration attorney and got to know that the document he submitted from the appraiser is unclear.... Could this be reason for asking joint sponsor? I believe owning a house and making 32000$ for just a household is enough to sponsor a spouse.. Is hard to get a joint sponsor now due to COVID. We are just thinking of getting everything together and resend to Lagos consulate for reviewing.. Please your opinion is needed here thanks

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Nigeria* help!!! spouse just received visa finally but no visa packet!?
5:27 pm February 9, 2021


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My Nigerian Spouse just received his visa but no packet or none of his info was returned?! I m reading he will need to present the sealed packet that should have been given to him when he goes through customs, is this normal for him to not receive this? Will he still be able to come? Help!

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All Documents accepted at NVC but Asked for Joint Sponsor
3:31 pm February 8, 2021



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I submitted all the required documents at NVC they checked and accepted everything but they said i should get a joint sponsor. My questions is can i still be scheduled for an interview even if i dont provide it at NVC stage. I was thinking i should just take it along to the interview.

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Recent Tax Records
8:46 am February 8, 2021

Oserei Michael

Read 786 Times
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Please is there anyone that was given a form to provide a joint sponsor and a recent tax record?

please I would like to know what am to submit to the GSS document collection center in Lagos state,Nigeria.

Am I to submit either the W2 form or Transcript or strictly the transcript.
I think submitting the transcript might take almost or over a month since the Tax filing begins this week.

please I need urgent clarification from anyone who has been in this before,thank you!

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