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US Immigration from Nigeria

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Interview before EAD or SS is issued
5:19 pm September 27, 2021



Read 534 Times
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Anyone experienced, getting interview appointment date before EAD or Social I am issued ?

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Actively reviewing cases
9:31 pm September 13, 2021

Ukpebor Judith

Read 1133 Times
5 Replies

Hi, pls what does it mean when your case is being actively reviewed?

my case is being actively reviewed for over 5 months now and we are yet to hear anything. Pls what s happening?

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IR1/CR1 - Expedited Case
1:28 am September 10, 2021


Read 2173 Times
9 Replies

Hey guys

Am new on this forum and I have a question regarding my expedited case. NVC approved my expedited application and sent me email that lagos office approved and requested my file transfered to lagos on August 5th. They said that Embassy will contact me regarding interview but I waited nearly 10 day and nothing from Embassy and called them which they created a profile for me and asked me to schedule the interview. But I continue to check but the system keep saying "There are no interviews available now". I called them and the Lagos office keep telling me to continue to check. Please can someone explain to me if it is my duty to schedule the interview since they are the people that requested my file to be transferred to them. And I have a family situation that requires me travel with my child to the US and which the Dad said he cant handle all be himself.

Am confuse on what to do next and there are no interview slots in Lagos. . Please I need further explanation.

Thank you all

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May 2021 filling I-130 FOR PARENT
11:01 am September 6, 2021



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Good morning, I filed i130 for my mum in May and she got approved September 2nd . We are waiting for NVC to email us. I am now filing for my husband who is in Botswana. Now to my question on filling out my husband's forms there is a question there asking if I have petition for any one before, I clicked yes an they are asking where it was filed. I don't know how to answer that part. They also asked if it was approved and I said yes since i130 is already approved. Question 2)

, what other documment should I submit with my husband's application?

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I-130 I-130A case Denied
8:43 pm July 29, 2021


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Hi there everyone... please i need help about my I-130 in a month ago i send the document in.... i received the notice letter 4 week after they ask for more evidence which i did send it.... a week after the case was denied......

my first Question is that my wife in Nigeria does she need to sign the form I-130A because on the form it said if your spouse is out of the country she doesnt have to sign...

what are my Option do i need lawyer to file appeal ...


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