Hi Everyone,
I understand this topic had been raised in the past on this platform, but it was riddled with lots controversies. I will appreciate if the replies to my questions stays within the scope and not all the "should have", could have". Nonetheless, all perspective would be appreciated.
I will use my petition as a case study and hopefully, others would learn from the answers provided me. This is how it goes
1. Met my wife online and we talked and learnt about each other and family(dated) for 2 years before planning to meet
2. We have a large age gap of 18 years, I'm in my mid 30's Single, Never Married and never had a kid(can't anyways) and She's in her early 50's, Divorced with two kids.
3. After two years of constant communication, She flew down to meet the family and spent a week and three days because of the nature of her job
4. She flew down the following year and stayed a Month. During this time, we got married in a very small Registry ceremony attended by my immediate relative and siblings due to Covid
5. After weighing the option of where we would live, here or the U.S we decided to file after 8 months of Marriage.
6. In my petition, i filled "Unemployed" because i was a freelance Agriculturist and a content Producer with no register Company name. As the form required a company name if you filled Employed
7. Yes, I did put the money transfer slips of money she has sent into my Bank Account as part of financial comingling. She helps out sometimes but larger part was for the purchase of African dresses she loves. Trust me, everything in our package came from the advice here and lots of people specify nothing wrong in putting money transfer out
8. We are awaiting the approval of from USCIS which we front loaded with pictures and conversation proofs over the year.
Since i come from a third world country with its history, I will like to prepare ahead, so as to gather stronger proof to show this relationship is legitimate.
Going forward, what are the things we should do ahead? 1. She is going to change her LIfe insurance beneficiary to my name and 2. We are thinking of putting me on her tax return and i will like to be Educated on the best way we could go around this. What other things do you thing we should gather tp provide us strong evidence and she visits me Once every year except for last year due to inability to get a Visa.
N>B: I'm sorry for the Long write up. I just want to provide a full picture so i would be well advised. She's reading this too, smiles