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US Immigration from Nigeria

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Case Approved but spouse now has L1 visa -- AOS or fly back for interview?
3:22 am May 24, 2022



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12 Replies

So, the title says it all, lol

We filed the I-130 in July 2021 and our case was finally approved! The week before, though, my husband was issued his L-1B visa and will be transferring here for work starting in July. Our case is at NVC and my question is if we should keep moving through as if he plans to interview in Nigeria or wait until he gets here and start the AOS process? I want to keep moving as if he would just be flying back for his interview, but just looking for any feedback. Thanks!

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USCIS APPROVED!!! What Next?????
9:45 pm May 17, 2022



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16 Replies

Wohooooooo, thanks to all members of this great community for the knowledge during my USCIS stage!!!

Our petition got approved on May 12th and luckily, my wife was with me when the notice came in. After two days, an email came from NVC with the invoice number and we were able to log in.

As much as we are both excited, we are still trying to grasp the details of the process in front of us. I have few questions and i would be delighted for any help

1. How do we side load the NVC stage? We front loaded the USCIS stage and there was no RFE. What are the things(documents) for a great side loading?

2. What are the documents we'll need to get ready as we are looking to jump right into the queue (NVC)

3. Can the NVC payment be done by one person, from either of the different countries we reside at the moment?

4. Do we need to submit just Tax transcripts or coupled with W2's.. since there has been some experiences from users here having RFE submitting one of those without the other

5. What are the precautions you will advice when going through this process as to avoid going back to the back of the line after submission.


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Family name, and given names placing order on passport different from attestation of birth
9:25 am May 11, 2022

Joe Joe

Joe Joe

Read 2477 Times
6 Replies

Hello VJ, please I need help. My name order on my passport is different from the one on my attestation of birth/certificate. Will it affect my case? Is it something to worry about?


Passport: Alabi Abiola George (Surname-first name-middle name)

Birth Attestation: Alabi George Abiola (Surname-middle name-first name)

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Filing form I-130
8:32 am May 7, 2022

Joe Joe

Joe Joe

Read 586 Times
8 Replies

Please if you re filing form I-130 and there are questions that doesn t apply to you, your spouse or your case. What should you do? Leave it blank or what?

Secondly, if your US citizen spouse is in the military, does it help to fasten your case?

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Spouse US citizen criminal records I -130 [merged threads]
6:19 pm May 3, 2022


Read 1332 Times
8 Replies

Please I am just wondering if sponsoring spouse a US citizen for I -130 with crimial records of assult on officer, assult on girlfriend and theft can file for a spouse already in the United States. With the US citizen the petitioner I -130 will be denied based on the past criminal records?

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