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US Immigration from Nigeria

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Photographs as seen civil documents submission
5:41 pm July 12, 2022



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Hi Everyone, my greetings,

I am on the last stage of NVC application and uploading of Documents.

I have uploaded every other civil document except "Photographs"

Question 1: Is the "phographs" as circled in the image I uploaded below for passport photographs or Photographs for evidence of relationship between petitioner and visa applicant?

Question 2: Do I necessarily need to also add the documents as seen in the second circle in the image below?

Please i need your replies to complete and submit. Thanks


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Expedite Dr Report, who to address?
4:02 pm July 7, 2022



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I am getting dr report for expedite letter. Rejected before for other issue and staffing that seems to not be issue. A new xray seems serious, so I am updating my request with appropriate medical statement/report. Who should the doctor's letter be addressed to?

Ok, please only positive response. I understand various embassy and expedite related risks. Thank you.

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Evidence of Income/income proof for Affidavit of Support
7:04 pm July 6, 2022



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My spouse's income is insufficient for the number of household size and wants to get a joint sponsor whose income is very sufficient.

Apart from my wife and the joint sponsor's most recent tax return transcripts is there any other proof of income or evidence of income they need to submit or just submit the tax return transcript for the most recent tax year?

Will they be required to submit pay stubs, W2s or Employment verification letter etc? Who is to submit this income proof (my wife or the joint sponsor?).

Thanks as I await your response.

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My Income Figure
2:26 am July 6, 2022



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I have downloaded my 2021 tax return transcript but I am confused on how to know my income figure therein to determine if I am below or above the poverty guideline.

Again, is the income required the total income for the year before or after deductions? How do I determine these figures in my tax transcript? I need to know where to find it so I can fill the total income for my 3 most recent tax years.

Lastly, how can I download or get my filled form 1040 for my filed tax returns?

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NVC AOS: Is three year Tax transcripts important?
6:06 pm May 29, 2022



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Hello amazing community!!

I'm now at the NVC stage and I and my spouse had read thoroughly the Form I864 with its instructions and thanks to @pushbrk for his comment on some of my questions i asked earlier.

Pardon my naivety but reading through some of the forums here, I've seen people get RFE for things that are stated on the NVC website and i sought to rely on experiences rather than what NVC says as it seems they don't even follow their own rules.

The Form I-864 states that ONLY the Income Tax transcript for the recent year is required and one only have to provide tax information for the three prior years. I wonder if anyone has gotten RFE for submitting only the recent tax year? My wife has the current tax transcript for 2021 and 2019 and we intend submitting the W2( to be safe) but her transcript for 2020 is not available due to some IRS related stuff.

If we are to flow with the three years tax submission, does it mean we have to submit it in this sequence based on the above mentioned documents we have

2021----- Tax transcript and W2

2020(transcript not available)--------1040 + W2's?

2019-----Tax transcript and w2

please, if you have gotten any RFE for submitting just transcript for the recent year, i'll like to read your experience.

Thanks for your help

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