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US Immigration from Nigeria

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Marriage visa process
10:28 pm September 9, 2022



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hello, I'm Femi by name and I'm from Nigeria which I was married to an American citizen and we are both novice on how to make the process, and I guildline on how to start the process and I would be glad to hear back

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Touring Visa while Pending i-130 spousal visa (biometric/medical) question
12:12 pm July 18, 2022



Read 2789 Times
35 Replies

Hi, all,

I'm a US citizen with veteran status (not sure if it matters), and I will be getting married this year.

I plan to do a court wedding with my fiance in October and I would like to file a I-130 immediately, to begin her process coming to the US.

But I also want to get her a touring visa immediately after we get the marriage certificate in October because I'd like for her to visit the US and see if she'd like it, and to check out the schools and work opportunities to be prepared.

I also want her to start getting some digital certifications while we wait for her permanent residence visa to process.

However, my question is, would we be able to request for her biometric and medical appointments to be done in the US? We know the interview would have to be done in Nigeria, but is it possible to schedule biometrics and medical in the US so she doesn't have to come back to Nigeria for them while using her tourist visa?

Also, if anyone from Nigeria has undergone the same process, I'm curious about your timelines and process and speed. Thanks.

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Do I still need to scan & send documents to NVC email address after online application?
10:31 am July 18, 2022



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9 Replies

The instruction in the image below got me confused.

I have finished my nvc online applications and have uploaded and submitted all relevant documents online too but do I still need to scan and send my documents to nvc email address NVCElectronic@state.gov as seen in the instruction below?


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Should I upload more proof of domicile for Petitioner?
7:42 am July 17, 2022



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My wife petitioned for me and has filled and submitted i864 AOS and already submitted few days back with other supporting AOS documents. But she used only her driver's license as "proof of domicile".

We have just realized from our further research that just driver's license isn't a good or enough proof of Domicile.

My question is : She has other proofs of US domicile, even though she has already submitted her documents with "Driver's license" as only proof of domicile. Should she add the other proof of domicile through "additional AOS supporting documents" botton?

Please advise as I don't want this to cause delay for us.

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Interview questions
8:45 pm July 12, 2022



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Hello everyone, so my husband stays in botswana and will be having his interview in South Africa. My question is how long after interview do you get your passport back when approved because I know he will have to stay in South africa since he can't travel back to Botswana without his passport.

2) does he need to do another police Clearance b4 his interview since d one he submitted to NVC expires after 6month?

I will really appreciate your response. I just want to know the normal time frame it took to get your passport back after interview approval. Thank you

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