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US Immigration from Mozambique
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Pages: 1 2 (Viewing page 1 of 2 ) - topics in the last 5 years
Scheduling Interview/Medical Johannesburg |
10:36 pm November 19, 2024 | |

Read 416 Times 4 Replies
1. How do I schedule the interview & medical in Johannesburg, SA? 2. Can we schedule them while our petition is in transit to the US Embassy? We just got our case number and it is at this stage. 3. On average, how long does it take to go from in transit to ready ? Thanks in advance!
Track My Visa Now |
2:19 am May 21, 2024 | |

Read 4145 Times 16 Replies
Does anyone know how accurate Track My Visa Now is?
K1 Packet Payment Error |
11:03 pm May 17, 2024 | |

Read 486 Times 5 Replies
Does anyone know what happens when your packet gets rejected due to a payment not going through? 1. Do they scan the visa packet into the system if your payment is rejected? 2. Do they mail the packet back to you?
I-129F Proof of Evidence Nicknames |
4:29 am May 4, 2024 | |

Read 685 Times 12 Replies
I just submitted our Visa Packet & in our proof of evidence I have a text from my fiance where he refers to me as his wife. I also have him in my phone as Hubby can they deny our petition because of that? They are just nicknames!
Pages: 1 2 (Viewing page 1 of 2 ) - topics in the last 5 years
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Top Posting Members 1. Mozam 2. Omizo_Tusha 3. MozambiqueSoninha 4. Mozambiquepaul 5. Julsia 6. pindiboy 7. LAR30 8. R&JLuck 9. prittypixy 10. Rmarciam