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US Immigration from Montenegro

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Passport maiden name and Green card married last name
2:52 am May 5, 2022



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11 Replies

So I'm planning a trip back to my country and my passport is still on my maiden name. Did anyone have issues with US immigration coming back to US because they're names weren't matching on passport and Green Card?

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I-751 Request For Evidence help
8:42 pm November 26, 2021



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4 Replies

Hey all, I already finished my biometrics a few months ago, and we got a Request For Evidence this week. What we need to give, and for some reason we didn't realize we had to show it for the 3rd time, is:

  • Marriage Certificate (from my home country)
  • Translated to English version of the Marriage Certificate

Both of those documents we have handy and ready to send, but the marriage certificate and the translation are from Dec. 2017 (almost 4 years now). Would that come up as an issue since the documents are a bit older? We can somehow get a new copy with more current day (it would be a bit annoying to do so), and a translation, but is that needed?

Any advice is much appreciated!

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No response after RFE was sent
7:26 pm June 28, 2021



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6 Replies

It's been almost 60 days now. We got RFE for incomplete vaccinations and we sent everything In a 2 weeks. Ever since then and it's been almost 60 days we never got letter that they received rfe or online status changed ever since our GC interview. I called USCIS they said they have no information if they received it or not and to call after 60 days. Has anyone experienced this and what should we do?

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CEAC Status Change
4:33 pm December 10, 2020



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9 Replies

Hello eceryone
I wanted to ask you a question.
I had i Interview on 20 October,given 221g form to submit ds 5535.I did that and send it to embassy next day.
On November 30 changed to Nonimigrant visa aplication, status Refused with new date case created November 30.
Then on 8 December status changed to Adimistrative processing,but today status again changed to Refused.

Is this normal or should we be worried.
Thank you.

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New appointment
10:32 pm October 7, 2020



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Hello everyone.My embbasy sent me email with a new appointment date.

Do I have to take a new passport pictures and do I also have to submit new DS 160 or to use the old one from the previous appointment date.

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Pages: 1   (Viewing page 1 of 1 ) - topics in the last 5 years

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