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US Immigration from Japan

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I-130 Stepchild
11:52 pm April 22, 2021



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So from what I can gather in my limited research is that the I-130 applications is streamlined and pretty simple to what it maybe have previously been. It seems we do the application online and when its approved the stepchild is eligible for the visa. Am I right in thinking this? Is there still an interview thats required? Being 13 does he still need to go through the CFO? Any answers and help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Birth City Mistake on 129F
11:28 am April 19, 2021



Read 406 Times
3 Replies

Hello Everyone,

We are currently have had our 129F approved and are now preparing for the interview, but we only now realized we made a mistake about the City my fianc e was born in. So on her birth certificate she will be bringing to the interview it has a slightly different birth City than our 129F.

Should we be concerned? Should we try to correct it before the interview, or wait to explain it in the interview?

Also for the DS-160, should we then match her birth certificate (correct city) or match what we originally put on the 129F?

Thank you for any advice!

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Working outside the US! - I-134 Affidavit of Support and/or Joint Sponsor
11:19 am April 19, 2021



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Hello everyone! I seem to be in a bit of a unique situation about the I-134 we are preparing for the interview.

I am currently working in Japan, which is my Fianc e's country, so I haven't had any income go to my US bank account in close to a year. I am not sure how I should reflect this on the I-134.

  • Should I use my Japan bank information, or still use my US bank account information and try to have her explain the situation in the interview?
  • Also my current job is contract based, and renews every 3 months, so I wonder if that may be a point against me as well?
  • If I can prove I have a certain amount of cash/investments in the US would that be enough to 'pass' the I-134 check on it's own? - do we know a rough number?

Should I get a joint sponsor in this case? If so then my obvious choice would be my parents, but they are retired - is a steady monthly income required to 'pass'?

Thank you in advance to anyone that may have advice!

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What happens if you do not bring birth certificate to AOS interview?
1:28 pm April 1, 2021



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I realized a couple weeks ago that we do not have the original birth certificate (a copy of which sent with the AOS application). It is not a birth certificate, but rather the foreign document that the State Dept deems equivalent.

I can t recall, but we either misplaced it while moving, or the copy was submitted was a scan that my spouse s mother sent us via email. Either way, she could not find it either.

It took time for her to go to the government office and get new one reissued. She mailed the new one to us with the fastest service, but it still has not arrived. It appears to have left my spouse s home country and USPS has yet to receive it. We have less than a week left until the interview. We will also have to have it re-translated as I assume certain items in the document will have changed from the initial one submitted (date of issue, etc).

What happens if it doesn t arrive in time for our AOS interview and they ask to see it?

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6:11 pm March 31, 2021



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10 Replies

I got married based on k1 visa and sent i485, i 765, and i131 the other day.

I have a 9 year old daughter with k2 visa.

We couldn't get SSN after the marriage, the SSN office told us they could issue SSN unless I have a work permission.

We told them that we should be eligible for SSN, but they didn't listen.

We gave up and applied for ITIN instead for my husband's tax return.

I will get SSN when i765 is approved, but what about my daughter? Can she get one after getting green card?

If not, how can she get her SSN?

Thank you

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