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US Immigration from Japan

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Address Change during ROC
10:23 pm May 30, 2021


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I just changed my address online, and it directly asked me if I have anything filed currently, as I have I-751 I entered that information.

What I am curious is, is there any need for me to file a separate one to update my green card address? or they will update all related to my alien number?

* I am having extremely hard time posting for some reason, sorry if this is in the wrong section.

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I-130A Part 7: Item Number for Address History or Employment History?
11:52 am May 24, 2021


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3 Replies

Hey all!

We are currently filling out the I-130a, and just want to double check: for Part 7 Additional Information, is there an "Item Number" for Address History (Page 1, Part 1) or for Employment History (Page 2, Part 2)? We are using the official form attached to the I-130a to fill the additional info out.


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Form I-864, Foreign Earned Income Exclusion situation
9:57 am May 24, 2021



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I am in the process of working on the I-864 and then submit to the NVC. My situation isn't typical, so I figured I would just mention it here. I work overseas in Japan as a military contractor. As a result, I qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. This is nice in that

I get tax breaks for working overseas; however, my IRS tax transcripts exclude my wage income when computing my adjusted gross income. I know if this goes directly to the consulate due to a hardship this isn't an issue; however, that is not my situation. I have W2's and records I have

wage income above the poverty threshold for a family of 2.

I was also going to submit proof of assets in case the NVC doesn't understand my situation. I've already talked with my financial institutions and it looks like a proof of assets is something that can be done. What would be easier, trying to tell them I make above the poverty in wage income with W2's and explain why my Adjustable Gross Income is low according to the IRS due to my unique situation, or do I just go to the proof of assets and not even bother? Thanks!

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Request for Evidence during Removal of Conditions Process
7:37 pm May 22, 2021


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My wife (the visa beneficiary) and I (the US citizen) are submitted our documentation for Removal of Conditions to move her from her CR-1 visa to an IR-1 in September, 2020. But we just received an RFE listing several more documents to submit. The first two are easy (evidence of my U.S. citizenship and our marriage certificate), but they also ask for health insurance information and our 2020 tax statement. So I have two questions regarding this because of our changed financial situation:

1. In 2020, partly due to COVID, we earned less than the minimum income that was required when we first filed for her CR-1 3 years ago. Will this create a problem now? Or do I need to have my parents file an affidavit of support to show that they can supplement our income?

2. My wife and I currently receive Medi-Cal (California's Medicaid program) benefits because of our current low income. Does anyone think this will be a problem when we submit this as our current health insurance?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Name change for spouse on I-130 and I-485
11:50 pm May 20, 2021



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Important information is highlighted in bold

My wife and I want to change her name to take my last name. Our marriage certificate just lists our current names as they are since there was no option to change the name here. From what I've researched, that is still okay and the best way to change her name is while applying for the I-485.

So what I've done is changed her last name on the form to my last name, and her middle name is now her maiden name (I assume that is okay?). The only exceptions are for areas on forms that ask for her name as it appears on a form, and I've put her old name under areas where that is applicable.

I'm also concerned about the I-131 because there isn't a spot to put former names, so do I put her new name or her name as it is on her passport?

The last thing I'm concerned about is writing her name in non-Roman letters. On the marriage certificate and the rest of the forms, we're using her name with Roman letters (that's how it appears in the marriage certificate/social security card, and it's how she's been using her name here. Her passport even has her name in roman letters even though that's not technically the native way of writing her name).

So on Part 4 of the I-485 "Information About Beneficiary" it says to type/print her name and foreign address in their native written language if it does not use roman letters. Is this safe to skip? She lives here in the US so she has no foreign address. Also, Part 4, number 5 says "Other Names Used" but it doesn't say anything about foreign letters, so I've left her old name romanized).

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance to those who answer.

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