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Not able to pay |
11:09 pm December 17, 2024 | |

Read 394 Times 2 Replies
My husband and I finally received email from nvc. We have been trying to make two payments for a week but every time we click pay now part on their website, it leads to the error page (the pics attached). It s happening for a week. I tried on my laptop and phone and also my husband who lives in the us, tried the same thing but the result is the same. I also submitted inquiry on nvc website and all they said was Thank you for contacting us regarding your difficulties logging into the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC). The Department of State is aware of the problem and we are working quickly on a solution. There is nothing you need to do about this issue. We encourage you to continue attempting to access CEAC at a later time as this often appears to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve these difficulties. Anyone else is having the same issues? What to do if this keeps happening? Is there a phone number or anything for nvc? Please advise, thank you!!  
I-130 Native Language Question - Information about beneficiary in their native written language |
5:43 am December 17, 2024 | |

Read 607 Times 4 Replies
Hello everyone. I have a quick question for something I am not clear on. Please see the below part of the I-130 (digital version): So, from what I understand, I should type my wife's (the beneficiary) name as address in a document in her native language (which is Japanese), and then save it as a PDF. What I don't understand is the part about the translation. Since the name and address are in Japanese (hiragana and kanji), that would mean I need to also upload a Roman translated version of her name and address, then also upload a certificate of proper translation? I know other documents, like birth certificate need the translation and certificate, but does this? it seems to imply it in the file requirements section. Can someone give some clear clarification on this? Edit: Just for further clarification, is it ok to put in roman "Name:" and "Address:" followed by the Japanese, or should I have the whole document be only 100% Japanese? Example: Name: Address: 006-0815 5 11 7-10 Thank you!
DQ to IL timeline (Tokyo Embassy) |
8:50 pm December 16, 2024 | |

Read 322 Times 3 Replies
Any recent timelines of DQ to IL for the Tokyo Embassy? I'm applying for EB-1A and was DQed on 11/22 but nothing from NVC yet. I'm starting a new thread because the old one linked here was locked by a moderator. Many thanks for your input!
Are US citizen children required to be considered under the Joint Sponsor's income? |
1:39 pm December 16, 2024 | |

Read 486 Times 8 Replies
Hey all! I'm an American and my husband is the beneficiary in Japan and we are about to have our second child. The kids got their citizenship taken care of quickly so they dont need an application process, but because I am in Japan, and was working part time due to maternity/younguns, we needed a joint sponsor. He makes enough for my husband and for one child, I believe, per the federal poverty level, but when we get an interview number two will be born. Since my kids aren't needing to immigrate as they are eligible or already have their passport, would they still need to be under the joint sponsor's consideration?
I-130A Questions |
3:36 pm December 12, 2024 | |

Read 896 Times 18 Replies
Hello Everyone. I am new to the forums, so please excuse any mistakes I make here, still learning my way around. I recently got married to my wife (A Japanese citizen). We both currently live in Japan together, as I also work in Japan (for now). I am trying to start the CR-1 Application process, and am currently filling out I-130 and I-130A. I am a bit confused on the I-130A form. Here are my questions: 1) On Part 3 of the form, it talks about "Information about your employment outside the United States" and that I should "Provide your (my wife's?) last occupation outside the United States if not shown above. If you never worked outside the United States, provide this information in the space provided in part 7. - So, what am i supposed to put here, just here most recent job from Part 2 (Information about your employment)? Since she never lived in the USA, ALL her work would be considered "outside" the USA no? 2) On part 4 "spouse beneficiary's statement, contact information, certification, and signature", it asks about selecting one of the boxes that is most applicable. My wife's English skills are not bad, she can hold a decent conversation, but in terms of these forms "government English" structure, she has a hard time understanding some parts. She and I have sat to complete the form together, with me explaining some of the more complicated directions, and her sometimes using a dictionary to look up complicated terminology that is not easily explained by me. - Because we did this, Should I select Box 1a (she now understands the forms English) and box 2 (that i helped her complete the form)? ----- I was also considering putting Box 1a only, and then adding a note in part 7 about that i helped her with some of the grammar, and that she used some translation, but that the whole process was in English (no interpreter (part 5)). Thoughts? - My side question on that is Part 6 (which relates to box 2 of Part 4) stats that i need to provide information of the preparer used if "he or she is different from the preparer used to complete form I-130", which means i don't need to do part 6 (i assume), so i don't need to do Part 4 box 2? 3) regarding part 7, it says that if i need more, i can copy more pages of that, or use a separate sheet of paper. But then it gives instructions about writing page number, part number and item number, and then SIGN and DATE each sheet. - If i photocopy another copy of page 6 (Part 7 page), what do they mean about "signing and date" the page? I don't see any area that is labeled signature or date, there is only the name boxes, and the A-number box. Is my wife just to supposed to put her signature, and write the date in pen, somewhere in the white space at the top of the page? Thanks everyone!
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